From my brother:

Just the other day I was sitting in the barbershop, and the barber asked me if I had a lucky number, and an unlucky number! I thought for a second then said 64.

He asked, “Is that your lucky number, or unlucky number?”

I replied, “Both!” He asked me how could it be both?

I said, “We have 64 more Mondays before Obama is gone, and that is a very good (lucky) number! Sadly, we have 64 more Mondays for that rotten effer, and his lousy administration to think up sneaky sh!t on the weekends, to screw the good people of America... that is a very bad(unlucky) number!”

The barber laughed and said, “You really hate this administration don't you?”

I asked him, “What do you hate more, a simple common thief who admits his deeds, or a calculating-sneak-thief-liar who tries to hide his actions, then lies to your face about what he has done?”

My barber thought for a second and said, “64 it is!”

We all agreed that our lucky/unlucky number would be 64 this week, then we would count down from there. The barber will keep track by recording the numbers on his mirror, and hope it will stir people to inquire what does 64, 63, 62... mean?

Keep the faith, and your powder dry!

R Potts
It sounds like an eternity.
  • October 2, 2015
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Safari Woman
  • October 3, 2015
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Sister Sarah
It feels like it has already been an eternity.
  • October 6, 2015
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I've been thinking, one more year! One more year!!! Then someone on the radio said, "Fifteen more months!!" Ugh!!
  • October 2, 2015
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Safari Woman
Every time I think of the fear and sickness at the pit of my stomach that I felt when he was elected, I know more and more each day why and that it was a correct feeling. I hope we can make it that long. I heard Rush when I was driving today and he said something to the effect that they are overwhel...
  • October 3, 2015
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That sounds longer than I have been imagining! Oh no. I look forward to the day even though I don't know if I can plan to celebrate yet in case we get one just as bad.
  • October 4, 2015
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