I was just looking up things on Chrome and hit a page that sent me to a page I did not chose to go to with a warning to contact Microsoft, along with a phone number saying my computer had been infected. It locked the browser and nothing worked.

I don't know what kind of scam thing this is or if it is a virus hack, but I got out of it by using the "control, alt, delete" command, looking at services running and closing Chrome that way. The forced closure brings up a fresh chrome asking do I want to restore old session. I said NO - so it's all good but I wanted to pass this on if anyone else gets it. 

Marge Pauls
I've had this happen several times, and figure since I already have Windows Defender up-to-date, it's a scam. I simply right-clicked the Chrome icon on my taskbar, clicked "close window" then shut down the computer. Waited 10 minutes and turned it back on--works fine, no viri.
  • February 19, 2016
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Wanda Hope Carter
This one locked the browser. Clicking the close tab didn't do anything. Nothing worked on the browser commands and it was just locked there open and on top of everything.
  • February 20, 2016
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Marge Pauls
Mine locked the browser, too. I could only close it from the task bar where I had pinned it. Otherwise I'd just shut 'er down!
  • February 20, 2016
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Wanda Hope Carter
Mine was frozen so as that even that couldn't be done!
  • March 6, 2016
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