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Well, I posted Thursday that I was off for a three-day show in southern Ohio.  Not only did I miss my 50th-year high school reunion, I also missed a second event, both of which I had looked forward to.  Nonetheless, we started out Thursday afternoon to pick up another one of our group, and ran into this:

The wind started to howl and we were fighting the wheel to keep the vehicle on the road.  We picked up our friend just as the heavens opened up and it started to pour and blow monsoon-style.  Retracing our route to get on the freeway, the traffic was totally jammed where there was no traffic a few minutes before, and we suddenly saw what caused the hold-up--the wind had knocked down a street light and it crashed into two cars, shattering the whole back end and window of one.  (We found out later no one was hurt.)

Finally on the freeway and fighting wind and rain (while towing a van with a motorhome), we're on our way.  The rain petered out about 45 minutes later, and the rest of the drive was uneventful.  We caught up with my partner, Sharon, and her husband in Cambridge, and after we all had dinner, they took me with them to the house we had rented while the motorhome friends had reserved a spot in a nearby campground.  

The house was from about the 1860s, and sadly in need of a LOT of refurbishing.  It was clean, however, and the three of us had the whole house to ourselves.  We heard about the flooding in Louisiana the next morning while checking on the weather, and I was concerned for Mark since he lives in the area.  (So you had lotsa good thoughts and prayers throughout the weekend, Mark, some from people you don't even know!)

The days were swelteringly hot and the humidity high--fully dressed, I felt like I was wearing a wet bathing suit (!)--and while it was a really nice show and there were truly wonderful artisans, the heat and constant threat of rain kept a lot of people away.  Sharon did very well, and I even made some good sales, but that all ended around lunchtime today when it started to pour.  

We had arranged the curtains on our canopy for quick closing in case of rain, but this defeated us.  The canopy is water resistant, but the rain was relentless, and we tried to pack up while everything was dripping wet, including ourselves.  Nothing was spared, and I lost most of my stock to the water.  (And my lunch, which became too soggy to eat.)  We also had to take a lot of breaks to push up the sagging canopy top to remove the collected water.  I don't know which was worse--soaking wet due to high humidity or soaking wet due to pounding rain.

Watery sunlight appeared just as we were trying to get the sodden canopy into the van, and the clouds on the way home looked like when we set out on Thursday, but the rain held off.  I'm home now, and after a hot bath, I'm heading for bed.  I'll be spending a lot of time in the next few days trying to salvage something out of this soggy mess.

Thank you all for your kind thoughts and good wishes--they are always much appreciated.


Doesn't sound like the best of trips. Sorry to hear you lost most of your stock. Glad you're back home safe.
  • August 15, 2016
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Marge Pauls
Thank you, Mike! We sure did meet a lot of nice people, though!
  • August 15, 2016
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Good. You see a bright spot.
  • August 15, 2016
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Safari Woman
Is that the reunion you've worked so hard to put the book together on? 
I am so sorry to hear about losing your stock!!!!!!!!!!  My thoughts and prayers are with you. 
Thanks for sharing your adventure with us. I just wish you hadn't had to go through the loss!  I have kicked aroudn doing shows for a ...
  • August 15, 2016
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Marge Pauls
Yes, Saf--that was the reunion. I told them I had an out-of-town show for one of the dates, and that was the one they picked. The book turned out beautifully--the printer went the extra mile and made it worth all the time and aggravation.
  • August 15, 2016
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Safari Woman
wow you would think they might have at least picked a day YOU could be there for all your trouble! good grief
  • August 15, 2016
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Marge Pauls
lol! I forgot to mention the wind Saturday that kept blowing all the single cards off the rack and out of the booth! It was reminiscent of the cards in "Alice in Wonderland," all blowing away in the wind.
  • August 15, 2016
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R Potts
My mother did art shows for a couple of years when I was a kid. I have both fond and bad memories of them. Weather seemed to follow her wherever she went. She finally gave it up after a mini tornado touched down a quarter of a mile from where the show was in 1977. Your story brought back my memories...
  • August 15, 2016
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Marge Pauls
Thank you! Because Sharon and I partner is the only way I can do it. One of her husband's stipulations was that she had to be able to do it herself and between the two of us, it works well. But you know who comes to the shows and helps with setting up and tearing down, lol! Mr. I Don't Want Any ...
  • August 15, 2016
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Sarah Paskowitz
I always thought it would be fun to do shows. Now, I am not so sure! LOL I hope you were able to save your stock.
  • August 21, 2016
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Marge Pauls
Don't know yet--prints and cards are strewn around the house in various poses, drying out like drunken sailors...house looks like a nightmare boutique, lol!
  • August 21, 2016
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