I am very sad about the recent news regarding the passing of a friend and also a friend to several here on TeamNetworks.Net, Randall Scott Covey. I never wanted to use this memorial Izine for any of our members but I am glad we have it so I can remember him here. 

I first met Randy on SodaHead in either late 07 or sometime early on in 08. He was one of the first people I "friended" there and was drawn to his posts for many reasons. His moniker there, Wanna Be Contrarian, fit him perfectly. 

One thing I noticed about him right away was that he didn't represent a political "side" with his posts or his comments. He was obviously an independent thinker and sought the truth no matter who may be pushed out of the shadows by exposing it. I really appreciated that about him on a site where people were shoved into one of two boxes, either left or right, for their views. He was in a sense, un-shovable. That he could infuriate either side with truth seeking was to me a sign that Randy cared more about truth than he did about how people perceived him. 

Another thing that I admired about Randy was how he dared to go where others would not tread. His complete refusal to maintain any semblance of being politically correct stood out. Sometimes his posts were challenging perceptions that were hard wired into our minds but I never thought his posts were intentionally meant to harm anyone. He seemed to want to inspire us to think outside of our boxes and look beyond the collective agreements we might have on a variety of topics. Freedom of speech was one of the first political ideas I took up for decades ago and his fight to preserve it and his appreciation for it was another thing that drew me to want to get to know him better even early on. 

Randy was a seeker. I think he always sought truth persistently and I was glad when later on it seemed his search expanded to find God and make things right with our creator. 

It didn't take long before Randy became one of the very few people I trusted on SodaHead, a site I found to be mostly full of vipers. We didn't always agree about everything but that was okay. We still listened and read and studied things together along with other friends especially when a private mail was set up for members who appeared to also be seeking a better understanding of what is really going on in this world. People came and went on that mail, but a hand full of us including Randy, stuck together there and came back together here on TeamNetworks.Net. 

I made this site with my friends in mind. Randy was already very much one of those friends. So many items I've posted here were inspired by thinking, Randy will appreciate this one. I intend to keep posting those kind of items with him in mind and I hope his influence will be long lasting in this way going forward. It makes me sad though, to realize he won't be here to read them or comment. I can only pray that Randy will be aware of them somehow and smile down on me for carrying on. 

I also give Randy credit for making me laugh on so many occasions when otherwise even a smile was hard to find. He had a great sense of humor that especially shone out when he was posting comments to the far left liberals on SodaHead and other sites I've read them on. Many times, they would become so completely flabbergasted at his commentary that they literally did not know what to do or say next.

Anyone who has engaged these types of people will know how rare that is as they are programmed to respond and have a response for nearly everything that can be thrown at them. But, they were never programmed to respond to someone like Randy who walked his own path in thinking, who stood not for any "side" of things but for exposure of truth across the lines. I recall many times just laughing out loud at the back and forth conversations going on between him and others. 

Above all, Randy made me think and seek into areas I had not ventured before and for that I am eternally grateful. I am also grateful that he came here and helped get the site started with his participation and keep it going with his posts. But most of all I am grateful for his friendship. Although we never met face to face, something I will always regret, he became over these many years someone I trusted and would have told my most well kept secrets to if it had been a subject I needed to share. That is a rare friend indeed.  

There are probably many more things I could say in remembrance of him, and maybe I will from time to time come in when I am thinking of him and post my thoughts. Right now I am coming to grips with the fact that a member of my online family has gone on before me. If it is possible that he can fight for us from Heaven, I know he will. He loved his country and his family and cared for his friends and I think of him as a great warrior for truth, justice and the American way. 

All of us are ingrained with imperfections and I am sure Randy had his own too but what he did for his country, for his God and for his loved ones that I observed online was meaningful and in my eyes covered any imperfections with the progress he made for goodness in the world. 

I am glad Randy is not suffering anymore. I miss him but will carry him and his memory in my heart and in how he changed my mind for the rest of my life. 

Rest in Peace dear friend. You earned it. 

Laurel Victory
I really did not know him "from before" except for TN exchanges, but I felt his spirit, enjoyed his posts and know that he is in the arms of the Master and with His oh, so great love, and the Presence of His Peace. And this is good and very good. We'll miss you "here", but celebrate your life and "r...
  • March 4, 2017
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Wanda Hope Carter
Thank you Laurel. Amen!
  • March 6, 2017
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I liked it when he teased me cause it made me feel liked. I enjoyed Randy and even though I knew he was sick, it always shocks me when people leave us. Even here on TN there will be an emptiness but I am buoyed by the thought that he IS looking down on us.....and smiling.
  • March 4, 2017
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Wanda Hope Carter
Thank you Rocky. I have found myself so often thinking about what Randy would think or say about something since he passed. I don't just like you Rocky, I love you! When I get my sense of humor back, I'll do my best to take up some slack on the teasing. You make me laugh so often, inbetween making m...
  • March 6, 2017
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TU Wanda!!! lol....it's no secret that I don't have 'true' friends in my physical life. But I absolutely adore my online friends!!! Absolutely!!!
  • March 7, 2017
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Linda Mihalic
My heart is too full to say much. Randy was bigger than life in several ways. I feel our Team must shine more brightly to replace his loss to us all. He was ready to go, but I'm not so sure I was ready to say goodbye.
  • March 4, 2017
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Wanda Hope Carter
Thanks Linda - I agree with you about Randy and about us needing to shine even that much more for his not being here anymore. It is noticing his light missing that has made me realize just how bright his truly was since I heard he passed. I definitely wasn't yet ready to say goodbye. I am still in a...
  • March 6, 2017
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Gregory Alan of Johnson
Sad to find out, yet also glad to know he's Home with Yeshua. He will be missed.
  • March 5, 2017
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Wanda Hope Carter
Thanks for coming by to comment Greg. 
  • March 6, 2017
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Mark Bailey
I'm saddened by his passing. I did not know him well, but he was a friend and good friends are always remembered.
  • March 5, 2017
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Wanda Hope Carter
Thanks Mark. He has been a part of my inner circle for a long time as have you. I feel like the rest of us need to stand a little bit closer now to take up the space he left.  
  • March 6, 2017
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Wanda Hope Carter
I came in to add something now that I"ve had time to begin adjusting to Randy passing. 1. I really miss him! He was usually the first person on in the mornings, so whether I got up early or stayed up "late" he was the first friend I saw here each day and it was reassuring. 2. I didn't realize how mu...
  • March 6, 2017
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Reading these posts are further saddening me. I've always found death fascinating in the respect of "where did he go??" It just boggles my mind that someone can have such knowledge and be so sharp and then......gone.

But like I wrote before......Randy is like a dead star in the heavens......his ...
  • March 7, 2017
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I didn't know him that well but he was nice to me and funny. RIP I can see he will be very much missed by his friends and loved ones.
  • March 7, 2017
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Wanda Hope Carter
Thanks for commenting 
  • March 7, 2017
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Sasha covey
I felt the need to introduce myself, my name is Sasha Covey I am Randy's one and only child. I would like to thank you all for caring for my dad as much as it shows you did. Reading your stories and comments of love for him has made me feel great knowing he had so many people there for him when he a...
  • March 7, 2017
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Isn't it funny that someone like me, never met Randy, never shared anything deeply personal, but his death has saddened me very much. Now, hearing from you, his daughter, makes it so much more personal. I'm glad that Randy had a peaceful end with you to comfort him. Losing a parent has been the u...
  • March 7, 2017
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Sasha covey
He had a way of making a very big impact of those who even briefly knew him. He is and always will be an incredible person hhat I am honored to call my dad.
  • March 8, 2017
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Wanda Hope Carter
I and a few others wrote on your profile page here - in case you haven't figured out the notices yet - I just wanted you to know. 
Thank YOU so much for blessing us with a visit! I wish I could reach through the screen and give you a hug. Thank you also for the information about how his last time he...
  • March 7, 2017
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Sasha covey
I look forward to your email and would be very happy if you could attend I'm sure hr would like that as well.
  • March 8, 2017
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Thank you Sasha for taking the time to come on here and informing us/me about how Randy spent his last days. I've been apprehensive since not being able to reach him by phone. It was a wonderful thing you did coming to Montana and getting him. Your dad was a big help to me. I wish I could have done ...
  • March 7, 2017
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Sasha covey
I did try to call you as I know you meant a great deal to him, I believe it was Thursday rr Friday i called from my own cell. Yoyur welcome to call me or email me any time. There are a few things I need to touch base with you about when you get a chance. I am glad I could come get him and spend this...
  • March 8, 2017
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Thank you for sharing with us what a wonderful relationship you had with your dad - your tribute brought tears to my eyes. What a comfort to you to know he is now with loved ones that he has missed, and that you, too, will see him again.
Thank you again for the beautiful tribute to a man who obvio...
  • March 8, 2017
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e hoʻomaha me ka maluhia rest in peace
  • March 11, 2017
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