I attended Randy's memorial service today.

It was a very nice ceremony. I forgot my video camera but was able to get the taps and flag portion on my phone. I will try to get that on a video to share asap. I posted the pages of the memorial pamphlet they gave out in the memorial photo section and below here.

The hospice Chaplan gave a wonderful tribute and talk. I think Randy would approve. Something he shared in a humorous way was that before Randy would agree to letting him be his pastor or give his eulogy, that he told him he had to get to know him first to make sure he was conservative enough not only religiously but also politically. 

lol - That was so typically Randy! He was true to his loyalties and beliefs right to the end.

The pastor talked about Randy coming back to God in his last years and days. One thing he said that stood out to me, was how Randy told him something he had never heard from a Hospice patient before. That was, Randy had confided that he was relieved to find out he was dying. When the pastor asked why, Randy replied it had worried him when he realized he was becoming unable to give his all to everything he did. He prided himself in that and in working along side younger people while being able to keep up with them. He told the pastor, at least when he heard he was dying, he knew it was not because he had simply grown weak, but because he was sick. 

When they asked if anyone had anything to say, I spoke about what a great friend he had been and what an honor it was to know him and be present to celebrate his life. I said I was there also to represent several other of his friends who cared about him but couldn't make it today. 

I could not help but shed a few tears and it felt like I said goodbye to the brother I never met. His daughter was really nice and gave me a hug. His grand children are adorable. I saw that lively and slightly mischievous gleam present in Randy's eyes also in their eyes. He lives on through them. 

It was a beautiful first day of spring and I think a very appropriate day to celebrate Randy's life. I felt his presence smiling just like the picture they had of him next to his ashes and flag.

RIP Randy 

I will NEVER forget you. 

Randy Memorial 1.jpg (271.42 kb, 347 views)
Randy Memorial 2.jpg (252.45 kb, 365 views)
Randy Memorial 3.jpg (254.64 kb, 343 views)
Randy Memorial 4.jpg (226.19 kb, 340 views)
Mark Bailey
Very nicely written. Ask the family if I can create a find-a-grave memorial.
  • March 20, 2017
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Wanda Hope Carter
Thanks. He was cremated, so.. ?
  • March 20, 2017
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Mark Bailey
Cremations are okay. FAG is basically a site where people memorialize the life of a loved one or a friend.
  • March 21, 2017
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Sasha covey
He was cremated as he wanted. Thank you for that kind gesture.
  • June 29, 2017
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Marge Pauls is online.
Thanks, Wanda. How fitting this is the first day of Spring--Rebirth!
  • March 20, 2017
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Wanda Hope Carter
I thought about that too.
  • March 20, 2017
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Sasha covey
Their is a funnyish story behind the date i had picked for his memorial.
  • June 29, 2017
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Safari Woman
How did I miss this back then? What is your story? You might find this amusing as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/...
  • October 25, 2018
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It's much appreciated that you could go and represent all of us. That had to mean a lot to Sasha.
  • March 20, 2017
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Wanda Hope Carter
It truly was an honor to be there for him and on behalf of his friends here, who it is also an honor to represent any way I can.
  • March 20, 2017
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Sasha covey
It did mean quite a bit to me that someone who him on a personal level could be there.
  • June 29, 2017
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Linda Mihalic
For all that Randy judged himself as a sinner, he had a definite innocence of soul. We will miss him, but we will smile at the laughter and the love he shared with us.
  • March 21, 2017
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Wanda Hope Carter
amen ty Linda
  • March 21, 2017
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He judged himself a sinner and rightly so....we all are. Knowing him personally I can say he had some saintly ways about him. The most obvious to me was his honesty and attention to making sure he never took advantage of anyone.
  • March 21, 2017
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Johnny Rudick
A Saved sinner, Saved by the Grace of the shed Blood of Jesus, the LORD's Christ.
  • March 22, 2017
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  • April 25, 2017
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Sasha covey
When he came to live eith us he said he wanted to make it to see the first day of spring with his grandsons since he had never even met them before all this. Well we all know he did not makw it the first day of spring, because i had him privately cremated rather than having him buried by the veteran...
  • June 29, 2017
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Thank you for letting us know Sasha.
  • June 29, 2017
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Safari Woman
Oh wow thank you Sasha - I don't know how I missed this.
  • October 25, 2018
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