R. A. Schultz


Senator John McCain’s (“R,” AZ) unrelenting opposition to anything Trump runs considerably deeper than a case of personal animosity resulting from McCain being a loser and Trump a winner.  McCain’s true colors are now showing for all to see.  He is a globalist and a rabid proponent of the “New World Order,” advocated by such as George Soros, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Clintons, and Bushes.  That Trump is an ardent disruptor of the New World Order serves only to intensify and even “weaponize” McCain’s fierce opposition.


Interestingly, there are others on the world scene who, while doubtfully becoming full allies of the new anti-NWO United States electoral majority, nevertheless also arouse the ire of McCain and those of like thinking.  Putin, of the Russian Federation, Netanyahu, of Israel, and Duterte of the Philippines immediately come to mind.  The recently-defeated Wilders of the Netherlands will undoubtedly be heard from again after a narrow electoral defeat.  The increasingly popular Le Pen of France is most certainly on an ascending trajectory.  These and others present an existential threat to McCain’s precious New World Order!


McCain seems to delight in the propagation of the now tiresome myth of Russian interference in our recent presidential election and of the absurd assertion of the Trump Team’s “collusion” with Russia to deny the election to McCain’s dear friend and fellow staunch NWO advocate, Hillary Clinton.  McCain’s hatred for Trump is almost palpable.


Allied with McCain in defense of the New World Order are such “Republican” luminaries as Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, and John Kasich of Ohio.  Despite House Speaker Paul Ryan’s “R” after his name, true loyalties are difficult to discern and therefore must, at least for the moment, remain suspect.  Leading “Democrats” favoring the NWO are too numerous to even count, but chief among them we’ll find the usual suspects, Obama, the Clintons of course, Schumer, Pelosi, Brown, Cuomo, and McAuliffe.  Up-and-coming among the “Democrats” favoring the NWO (or at least he’d like to think so) is Representative Adam Schiff (“D,” CA) and, were he not so obviously unbalanced, former Obama Labor Secretary Tom Perez, the newly-installed chairbeing of the DNC.


“So what?” you may ask.  There have always been “moderate Republicans,” those “willing to reach across the aisle” to compromise and to “get things done” with the Democrats.  Many Conservatives within the Republican Party refer to these as RINO’s, or Republicans-In-Name-Only.  The Democrats, for their part, have plunged precipitously farther to the left with every passing day, and have generally been unwilling to reciprocate with Republicans in Congress to “get things done,” preferring instead to obstruct anything the Republicans wish to accomplish.


But the political fracture lines have changed significantly over the last several election cycles.  Trump, according to the Make-Believe Media, is a “populist,” and therefore not a “true conservative.”  Many “true conservatives” join in spouting this mantra.  The real fracture lines are becoming increasingly apparent with the passage of time.  The very real main fracture is between those in favor of the New World Order, the globalist elitists, the internationalists, the one-worlders, the United Nations, the “establishments” of both political parties, and those who oppose the New World Order, which is now led by the “populist,” “disruptor,” and all-around trouble-maker, Donald J. Trump.   


To listen to the establishments of both parties and to their propaganda arm, cleverly disguised as the Fourth Estate, Trump’s election came about either totally by an accident of fate, or because some sinister outside source, the current favorite being “the Russians,” somehow interceded in our election procedures and caused the American electorate en masse to turn away from that most popular and charismatic of candidates, Hillary Clinton.  From the earliest stirrings of the 2016 presidential campaign, we were assured, even harangued, that Clinton would so soundly trounce Trump that, if he were to become the nominee of the Republican Party, that party would surely cease to exist.  Well, obviously, that didn’t happen, and the Establishment simply can’t get over it, to the extent that they’re now in the throes of a perpetual hissy-fit of “demonstrations” and wishful-thinking diatribes and natterings in the Make-Believe Media, hoping to obstruct, delay, derail, or even “bring down” the Trump administration.     


The Establishment and their allies still don’t get it.  The very same people who told us from the outset that Trump didn’t have the proverbial snowball’s chance in hell first of winning any primary debates, then of picking off opposing primary candidates, then of gaining the nomination, and then ultimately of being elected, are the ones who are now telling us that President Trump isn’t doing well in the polls, that his Twitter attacks are turning off his base, that governing the country is a lot different from making spectacular business deals, and that, two months into his presidency, he’s doomed to be a perpetual lame duck president!  These are the naysayers, the “Never Trumpers,” the incessant whiners or, as Vice President Spiro Agnew once called them, the “Nattering Nabobs of Negativism.”  They remain furious because they’ve been denied their “Aha! Moment,” when they could smirkingly inform their audiences, “See?  I toldya so!”  They haven’t a clue that We the People actually find their rantings and ravings superbly humorous.  The more serious their television countenances become, the more mirth they cause!


The simple fact is that the more the chattering natterers harp on their negative spin, the more they whine about Trump’s lack of “governing experience,” and the more they smirk about the new administration’s “legislative losses,” the more solid his support base becomes and the divide widens between Trump’s Working Class and the Establishment’s Smirking Class.





Safari Woman
Excellent blog Bluemax. Thank you! I agree wholeheartedly. Trump is as big or a bigger threat than Brexit was to the globalists. May their sick putrid agenda fail at every turn. I doubt Trump will make me happy with every single decision he makes, that is an unreasonable expectation imho, but his ov...
  • April 4, 2017
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Safari Woman
BTW I put a link to your blog in our NWO Izine, which you might like to join to be able to see the posts on your home page here too. http://www.teamnetworks.n... (To join there is a place right under the profile picture of this izine) Just wanted you to know in case you might enjoy it. Members can ...
  • April 4, 2017
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Walter D.
I like Trump more today than I did the day I voted for him. I had reservations.
  • April 4, 2017
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Dale Barnes
The left doesn't know the difference between their head and a hole in the ground. Let them stay flabbergasted. The Democrats are a party of the blind leading the blinder.
  • April 6, 2017
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Not to mention the bland leading the bland!
  • April 26, 2017
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