Dear Lawmakers: 
by:  Annette

First may I say that the entire approach that I hear coming from the powers that be shows no consideration for the safety and welfare of any of our law-abiding citizens. Frankly, that upsets me even more than the horrible tragedy of Sandy Hook, or any other deliberate or psychotic attack on innocent people by criminals.

As I see it, it is time we stopped penalizing the law-abiding citizen and begin with a more logical approach; one that reaches the actual criminals. If we are to cut down on crime considerably, and ALL of the statistics prove this to be true, we need to make it mandatory for every adult individual to own and know how to properly operate and care for a gun, either through NRA training classes or the police department.


For those citizens who balk at this, they should simply have to pay a $500 tax for the privilege of not owning a gun, and they should have posted in their yard or on their property a sign saying "This is a gun free zone."

Next, for any and all criminals with a felony record, if they are found to be in possession of any kind of fire arm whether they have used it or not in the commission of a crime, it should carry with it an automatic 3-yr. jail sentence, period. If they are also standing trial for a crime they are accused of committing, the 3 yrs. would be applied on top of any other sentence forthcoming or outstanding.

It is a known fact, sad but true, that no matter how sharply the law is spelled out for the law-abiding citizen restricting his rights: guns will ALWAYS be found in the hands of criminals, and will be used that much more aggressively when they know a person cannot defend himself.

I would very much like to see our legislators and our Sheriffs offices begin action along the lines stated above. I would also like to see the Sheriffs offices take the same steps many other counties around the country are taking and making it a crime for the Federal Government to simply step into any county in our State and override our God given right to self defence.

ps, feel free to use this if you want to send it to your lawmakers and newspapers.


Safari Woman
Criminals will always have guns - and some of them will be the ones that our gov sold to the Drug Cartels in Mexico and that made their way back into this country. If we are going to talk about sentencing, those in DC responsible for this crime against Americans who put together the scheme, approved...
  • January 16, 2013
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Janice  Vicks
Verty good letter. I agree
  • January 19, 2013
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Dale Barnes
I agree also. We have seen quite a few sheriffs come forward now. We need more of them to. 
  • January 20, 2013
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Lucas Delgado
Nice Letter Alice. I have about worn out my keyboard writing. I am starting to wonder if any of it mattered. 
  • January 20, 2013
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Kathryn Coombs
Excellent letter Annette ....
  • January 20, 2013
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