February 4, 2018 ~Aka Safari Woman

I didn't think I could sit through an audio/video as long as the attached interview with Mike Zullo and Carl Gallups on the Hagmann report. But, I quickly became spellbound.

I have followed related stories from the beginning of the reporting on Obama's fake birth certificate. Listening to old and new evidential details layed out historically was fascinating to hear and refresh my memory with once again, but what really caught my attention were details that relate to Today's news. 

In a nutshell, those were the facts about the Attorneys from Perkins and Coie who represented Obama and the Democrats in fighting the Obama birth certificate challenges. As it turns out this brings us right up to today's reports about the Steele Dossier and the FISA memo. Perkins and Coie was the same firm that funneled the money from the Clinton campaign to Michael Steele for Fusion GPS. 

At the end of the video Gallups put forth his opinion about why it is so important that the Deep State operating under Obama and continuing to operate to this day, takes Trump down. Trump knows Obama was a usurper, a fact that would have remained hidden if Hillary had been elected. Gallups sees Obama as a Trojan Horse installed to take America down the tubes to become a globalist controlled communist state. This is an opinion I share with him.

Everything we see that has transpired to stop Trump, hinges off of covering up the birth certificate forgery, which if it is ever given a chance to be proven by a court of law, is the biggest crime in the history of this nation against all citizens present and future.  

No matter how encompassing and huge all of the recent FISA memo and oncoming information about the militarization and corruption of the heads of the FBI, CIA, and State Department may be, this reminds me that there is a story even more earth shattering waiting in the wings. I pray for the sake of our nation, that someday it will be exposed and the truth about it will set us free. Until that day, I will know the deep state is still in charge in a larger way than our country may survive. 

If you are familiar with Zullo, Gallups and Hagmann enough to understand the investigation basics and the roles Zullo and Gallups played, you can skip up to about the sixteen (16) minute mark where the interview actually begins. 

If you are only interested in what is revealed about Perkins and Coie, you can skip up to the one hour eleven minute mark (1:11) and catch those comments. 

Keep an eye and an ear out for the name of this firm in details to come. I believe it is no coincidence they are involved in both situations where this level of corruption festered from. 

 ~Copyright 2018 aka SafariWoman

Safari Woman is online.
The attorneys who defended Obama's birth certificate challenges also funneled money from the Clinton Campaign to Michael Steele for Fusion GPS dossier. 
  • February 4, 2018
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Safari Woman is online.
Oh good I did find another report https://www.infowars.com/law-firm-representing-dems-over-russian-dossier-defended-obama-over-birth-certificate/
  • February 4, 2018
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I know of Zullo and I know Larry Hagmann ~ I have full faith and confidence in everything they have to say about whatever they uncover! We the People had better come very quickly to the realization that we are already involved in a civil war!
  • February 4, 2018
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  • February 4, 2018
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Safari Woman is online.
I realized it the day he was elected - and you know, in a way I am glad he was and not Hillary because it woke a lot of us up. I'm not positive we would have noticed as much if it had been her. I was thinking how I had to hold my nose and vote for McCain against Obama in 07. But now I realize if McC...
  • February 4, 2018
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