R. A. Schultz


NOTE:  For those of you who think some of this might sound familiar, it should.  It’s a re-working of an earlier offering, now coupled with the fact that I’m really p*ssed-off.  Florida did exactly what I predicted would happen:  The State Legislature passed a law with some admittedly good parts, such as the arming of selected teachers and the removal of those stupid “Gun-Free Zone” signs.  However, the mechanism prescribed within the new law for the confiscation of firearms from potential wrong-doers is a fatal flaw as it is prima facie unconstitutional, smacking of the rise of the police state.




Whereas my heart truly aches for the families of the victims of the latest Democrat to murder innocent children via a firearm, as opposed to a Democrat murdering innocent children via a pair of scissors, the “grassroots” effort to assemble a nationwide demonstration on March 28 to advocate for further infringement of the Second Amendment, couldn’t more obviously be a concerted effort, organized and directed by the Soros-funded One-Worlders, the corruption-as-usual Establishment, and the progturd STAZI control freaks of the Democrat National Committee.  The principal “clue” herein is the immediate approbation and instantaneous drumbeat of the Make-Believe Media!


We are again told that the leftist gun-grabbers respect the rights of hunters to own firearms, but that “common sense” demands that certain weapons be banned, certain “high-capacity magazines” be banned, etc., etc., etc.  Excuse me, but We the People, are ENTITLED to possess ALL of the weaponry possessed by our military, JUST IN CASE we have to kick our government’s ass!  Yes, I’m serious about that. 



Oh, and by the way, can ANYONE tell me exactly what an “ASSAULT RIFLE” is?  Is it perhaps, by progturd definition, “fully automatic?”  Perhaps “SEMI-automatic?”  Could it possibly even be a mean-looking World War II relic chambered for .303 British, bearing a flash-suppressor and bayonet-attachment slot and a 20-round magazine, but in bolt action?  Bolt action merely means the rounds must be chambered one at a time by action of the rifleman rather than by the action of a gas and spring mechanism.  A good rifleman with lots of experience can fire a bolt action weapon as fast as a semi-automatic.  By the way, that .303 British round can bring down an elephant or a wild boar.



Why don’t we have a campaign to completely eliminate drunk driving?  Let’s start by taking cars away from people who don’t drink.  I trust you appreciate the absurdity.



TRUE common sense shows us that schools, especially those displaying “Gun-Free Zone” signage are the softest of soft targets.  This signage broadcasts to every homicidal wacko in our midst, thanks to the Democrats shutting down most of our lunatic asylums, that “Your lambs are here in large numbers and are awaiting their slaughter!”  Get over it, people! The NEXT school massacre perpetrator very likely already possesses the weapon he/she/it will use.  Passing inane laws restricting citizens’ rights to own and carry firearms is a truly STUPID response.  Deputizing former law enforcement and military veteran teachers already state qualified to carry concealed firearms and directing them to carry those weapons in school would be a first and logical step.


The NEXT school massacre WILL happen unless we take immediate action to harden our schools as targets.  What the hell could possibly be more obvious?  Inaction is acquiescence.



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