#HotTopic Children Separated From Illegals at the Border

The liberal trolls, shills and attack dogs are out in force on this current debate over children being removed from those who enter the country illegally.

Leftists are blaming Trump when all he has done is require the enforcement of our existing law causing the separation. The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 was signed by Bill Clinton.It was supported by major Democrats at that time. We also have public law 107-296 (shown below) to refer to for spelling out what is to be done with the children of illegals.

Remember, only when it became politically advantageous for building their voting base did the Democrats start to pretend to actually care about illegals. 

When numbers of affected children are tossed around also keep in mind that there are those who come unaccompanied included in those numbers.

Liberals won't acknowledge that human traffickers also bring children into the country claiming to be their legal guardians entering often times with no identification or proof of family ties. There is no way to know if children are legitimately a family member or if they are intended to be sold on a slave market. 

The facilities children are kept in are not cages such as were shown in the falsely circulated images that were actually taken under the Obama administration. Their care and place to live is far superior to the life of a US citizen child who is living with their homeless parents and in many cases better than the crowded dump houses illegals end up in as they continue to be in the country illegally. The separated children are housed in a nice safe place, fed, clothed, entertained and given free medical attention. Compare this to the jail like conditions of nearly double the number of children held by Obama.

The Democrats could vote for common sense immigration laws right now and put a stop to this but they won't. They continue to use illegals as pawns. 

By the way, detained criminals always have their children removed from them unless or until a proper guardian can be found when they are citizens. Why should illegals be treated differently?

The tacitcs of the opponents of separation include attacking anyone with an opposing view on social networks especially with psychological shaming  by claiming anyone who can't sympathize the plight of "a poor mother" who "has no other option," yet who put herself and her child at risk while traveling through several other countries to get to the United States, is a monster. They don't seem to care about the plight of the child during the journey or that the persons we are speaking of were caught sneaking into the country illegally, only that once they get here illegally we must refuse to treat them like any other criminal and assume the children accompanying them are their own.

Their absolute disdain for the law for the protection of illegals vs their support of actual citizens to me is appalling. Who do Democrats care more about anyway, us or illegals?

Below I've collected articles and statements that support my views about it.

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Check out the Illegal Alien Crimes Izine Here -  http://www.teamnetworks.n...


Public Law 107-296 Nov 25 2002.jpg (112.87 kb, 135 views)
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