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R. A. Schultz






Well, they’ve finally done it!  The nitwits who decided, several long months ago, that they had the experience and wherewithal to become POTUS began their trek toward an attempt at gaining the nomination of what was still at the time, the Democrat Party.  The frontrunner then is still the frontrunner.  The only trouble is, the frontrunner isn’t even registered as a Democrat.  In point of fact, he’s a Bolshevik, and not even a neo-Bolshevik.  If anything, he’s an archeo-Bolshevik.  In fact, from what can be discerned from the bleatings of at least some of his Bernie-Boy followers, he’s positioned to lead a charge of a pack of foaming-at-the-mouth Stalinists.




The by-now-totally-horrified Democrat Establishment, the empty suits who thought it was so chic only slightly more than a decade ago to shock the world with their support of an alleged African-American with the middle name of Hussein, cringe in abject terror of the since clarified consequences of playing footsie with the extreme Left.  Now they will do anything, anything! to prevent their current frontrunner from actually becoming their party’s nominee.  The best they can hope for, however is a brokered convention which would give a diminutive multi-billionaire ex-RINO self-loathing Jew cum NAZI his only shot at preventing the Bolshevik from being the nominee.  Nope.  Things aren’t looking good in Mudville at the moment.  Nor in Peoria, Greenville, or even Gomorrah.




To combat the interloper, whom they used to welcome into their midst with open arms until things got serious, the suits can’t even come up with anything original.  Now they’ve even taken to recycling a version of the totally-debunked Russian collusion bullsh*t they pulled on Trump in 2016.  Notice how stealthy they were in getting out the false narrative?  I mean, really?  A story appears in the New York Times on a Friday afternoon, that the Bolshevik frontrunner was briefed “by officials of the Intelligence Community” that Russia was interfering in the Democrat primary process with activities promoting the Bolshevik’s candidacy?  And just WHO might have “leaked” the story to the always-believable New York Times?  Why Adam Schiff, of course!  The chaircreature of the House Oversight Committee on Intelligence is not only  a congenital serial liar and a psychopath, but also a serial leaker.  Why this turd still has a security clearance is another mystery of the Deep State Swamp.  I wouldn’t trust this bug-eyed pencil-necked weirdo with a burnt match!




It appears that the Russian interference story was intended to derail the Bolshevik’s campaign, obviously assuming it would be at least somewhat believable in light of  the numerous recent disclosures regarding Bernie’s affinity for communism.  Instead, he became the clear winner of the Nevada Democrat caucus!  The Democrat Establishment apparently hasn’t paid attention to world events over the past several decades.  Bernie is an anachronism.  The Russians aren’t even communists any more.  They realized they had a stupid thing going and gave it up.  




It’ll likely take the Democrats considerably longer to come to the same conclusion.  At least the Soviets had that vodka thing going as an excuse!


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