Okay so i'm picking up a friend from work one night and was waiting on her. Her boss is from Jordan, yes that Jordan. I don't know how long he's been in the country but is an "aspiring" Kapitalistic" entrepreneur. LOL As i was sitting around waiting and he was emptying his machines we were all kind of joking and bantering around. I got curious and said to him, "sooo...did are you a democrat." He said, No i'm voted republican and i'm KKK," in his broken english arab accent. I didn't catch his sarcasm behind it and said, Oh no, the KKK are democrats. But he repeated what he said and said he hates obama! i almost fell out of my chair! LOL My friend says he can sit for hours and talk politics. i have yet to talk to him at length but will soon.

as long as he can't stand obama hes ok by me! i bet talking to him about politics would be a trip...
  • February 5, 2013
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Randell Danner
I can't wait actually. will be interesting to pick his brain, see what he knows about American politics and how he feels about Israel . 
  • February 5, 2013
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Safari Woman
I'm wondering if aspiring "Kapitalists" will fare well in this country anymore because it seems like they are hell bent on killing the American Dream.
  • February 5, 2013
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hey u are over at the site that ripped off teamnetworks. i saw you there. are you one of the people who helped them copy this idea or what?
you know i am going to ask even if the site owner is too nice to. she won''t go over there to see what they are up to but that wont stop some of us from it and ...
  • February 24, 2013
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Randell Danner
Hey G.G. i'm not sure what you are speaking of and if you are directing your reply towards me. What site are you referring to that ripped of Teamnetworks? 
  • February 24, 2013
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Dude I owe you an appology for how I brought this up it wasn't cool. sorry I was partying before I came in.... Normally I come here with only aloha and being pissed off at politcs. 
I am not going to write their name here.... but the tea party site that looks and wishes it operates just like this one...
  • February 26, 2013
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Randell Danner
They actually are a spinoff of FB not this site. Any similarities in format is mere coincidental. 
  • February 26, 2013
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No what you don't get is this site is a spin off of FB and has been around since Nov 11 and advertising as a conservative alt to fb & it is no coincidence i helped on this site way back and the TEA site used the same codeSELF MODERATED One of the owners of that site is on her FB page and the owner h...
  • February 26, 2013
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  • February 28, 2013
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