V is for Vendetta, a film based on a novel and released in 2005, offers plot lines that include a number of things we see taking place today. The story is partly about a virus used to control world population with fear propaganda fueling the media for mind control while people wear masks and protest a fascist government. (Sound familiar?)

It is from this movie that the popularity of the Guy Fawkes mask arose. 

Although there are memes and articles stating it was made to be set in the year 2020, the first mention of that actually came from a Roger Ebert review and there is no other indication it is the date given in the novel or movie. Whether it was or wasn't intended to take place in 2020, it fits in several similarities to actual world events making the story one thought to be prophetic by many. There are even those who think the movie is Luciferian predictive programming.

Rather than re-write what has already been said about it, I'm including a few prominent items below and there are plenty more where those came from if you are interested in the topic. 

I haven't read the novel or seen the movie. The author whose story the movie is based on disavows the movie, but the movie is what has more specifically nailed our times. I thought I might want to check out the movie until I watched the clip based on one of the famous meme quotes I see online, "Ideas are bulletproof."  It was way too dark and violent for me; I think I will limit my study of it to articles and memes! 

Copyright 2021 aka SafariWoman all rights not otherwise assigned are reserved. 

  • February 14, 2021
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Safari Woman
do you think it is visionary or predictive programming? 
  • February 14, 2021
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predictive- but there may be some in (un) hollywoid with CIA connections like Tom Clancy who were trying to warn us
  • February 15, 2021
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Safari Woman
Maybe it is time for us to create our own predictive programming for the good!
  • February 15, 2021
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