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MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) - A number of police cars responded to Minneapolis South High School Thursday after an alleged food fight escalated into a melee involving 200 to 300 students.


Sgt. William Palmer, of the Minneapolis Police Department, said no weapons were involved in the incident. However, four people were taken to the hospital following the melee. Police were pelted by thrown objects as they rushed to break up the brawl.


Twelve people complained that they had been sprayed with mace. Police at the scene said they had to use chemical agent to get the crowd under control as they were being pelted with objects as they tried to break things up.


One student, Abdi Sheikh, said he saw hundreds of students fighting in what appeared to be a racial incident. "A big riot," he said. "It was all types of races."


Another student, Symone Glasker, said that an initial fight happened during the school's first lunch period. By the time the third lunch period started, all the hype from the initial fight caused tensions to boil over. She said the fights were over pride. "I know it's a pride thing between Muslims and black people," she said. "They want their pride back for something. I don't know." She also said "boys were hitting girls" and that some people were lying on the floor, with their hands over their heads, in surrender.


The fight, students say, was the result of long-simmering tensions between the 8 percent of students who are Somali  Americans and the 20 percent who are African Americans.


The Somalis are African, not African-Americans, and as Muslims they are taught to think of Christians as an inferior species. Naturally, the idiots in charge of the Minneapolis school system praised the school's diversity in response to a diverse riot.


Stan Alleyne, the Minneapolis Public Schools chief of communications, gave a statement, saying South High is a school that continually makes the district proud. "South is a very diverse high school," Alleyne said. "It is a microcosm of the city. Students function together at a high level every day. That is the strength of this school. Our students live diversity every day."


Yes and some days they live diversity more than others. Eventually diversity will kill many of them. Given time, a form of diversity that involves importing large numbers of immigrants from violent and bigoted societies will kill us all.




Topics: Mulsims, Somali's, racial
Sarah Paskowitz
I think something like this happened at a carnival with Muslims against blacks somewhere else last year or so. It is just the beginning
  • February 16, 2013
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It's called
  • February 16, 2013
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Sarah Paskowitz
  • February 16, 2013
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Safari Woman
Sometimes I can only (sigh.............)
  • February 16, 2013
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William Davis Hall
This "diversity" is not welcomed and there is a core element that we haven't seen before. Previously we have seen racial tensions due to groups feeling they don't have an equal shot at what America has to offer. Right or wrong that is how it was perceived. This division includes a group that wants t...
  • February 17, 2013
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In the 1970's Great Britain was in dire need of workers.  They obtained them through a 'guest workers' program and recruited from the Middle East.  The people came in droves and they settled into their own enclaves.  The British government assumed that these people would come to the UK to work and t...
  • February 17, 2013
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