If you’ve been concerned about the steps our federal and some state governments have been taking to outlaw guns and ammunition, then you’ll be really upset over the request being made by the government of Mexico.

Believe it or not, the Mexican legislature voted to ask the United States government to CREATE a gun registry of all commercial firearms in the four US States that borders their country.  Once the registry has been created, then they want the US government to SHARE that registry with them so that they know where every gun in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas is located.

Considering the fact that the massive gun control bill introduced by CALIFORNIA Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein included a requirement to register every gun in America, regardless of make, model, year, how long you’ve had it or how you got it, is it a mere coincidence that Mexico has made this request at this point in time?  After all, California is one of the four states involved with the request the republic of Mexico.


So let me get this straight, Mexico is offended when we try to take action against their people trying to come into the US illegally.  They are upset that we want to deport their citizens back to their counties so that they no longer send the money they make here back to their country.  The Mexican government treats many US citizens like criminals even when they’ve done nothing wrong.  Mexican politics and police are known for their corruption.

I worked with a guy who owned a bright yellow Ford 4×4 pickup.  One morning he woke up and his truck was gone.  Several weeks later, some friends of his found the truck in a small Mexican town about 50 miles south of the border.  As they observed the truck, they discovered that it was being driven by the town’s police chief.  A week later, my co-worker and several of his friends stole his truck back.  Living in a border state for over 35 years, I’ve heard and seen a number of examples of similar corruption in Mexican law enforcement and politics.

And now they want us to provide them with the complete gun registration list for every gun owner in the four border states?

First of all, I don’t believe our own government has the right to demand the registration of guns.  That constitutes an infringement on our Second Amendment rights.  Secondly, it’s none of Mexico’s damn business who owns what in the US.  I don’t trust that information in the hands of our own corrupt government and I surely don’t trust it in the hands of Mexico’s corrupt government or law enforcement community.  Perhaps it’s time to fire a warning shot across the border to get Mexico’s attention and then tell them to butt out of our business or face the consequences.




Topics: Mexico and guns
Robert Kenard
Mexico can kiss my ___. We don't owe them or their escaped citizens a damn thing. They owe us. Why don't we sue them for the billions of dollars it has cost us to take care of their illegals? 
  • February 22, 2013
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L.A. Nunn
Oh! Is that all Mexico asks?
  • February 24, 2013
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Safari Woman
NO they want us to give them welfare too..
This is just outrageous and beyond ridiculous to think they can dictate what our country does. Why is this so the Drug Cartels will know which houses not to hit? The insanity grows.
  • February 24, 2013
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L.A. Nunn
You're right, SW! But it makes perfect sense in this time of great "change" *excuse me while I vomit*
More of the same, innit...
  • February 25, 2013
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Ken Brock
im so glad we don't have borders just the ocean
  • February 25, 2013
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T Christensen
This is easy,,, "You First"!
  • February 25, 2013
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Kathryn Smith
They would be better off asking Holder and Obama about fast and Furious. No way should we give them info they are not priviledged to.
  • February 25, 2013
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L.A. Nunn
Seriously Sis! **EYE ROLL**
  • February 25, 2013
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