The important things to remember are:
1) This whole sequester issue was contrived by the Regime, but the GOP voted for it because they were promised spending cuts.
2) The Regime is skillfully waging a campaign against the GOP making them the "Boogie Man."
3) His majesty, King Obama, could stop this with an order to allow selective cuts, rather than across the board cuts.
4) It is not the size of the sequester, it is the way the sequester is to be implemented.
5) If the GOP does not cave, the Regime will force problems, and issues beyond the actual impact of the sequester. This will assure that the Regime's message is understood, that the GOP is to blame, and it will also make sure the King saves face. If there is no compromise, there has to be a calamity of some magatude to prove the King's point, now that the Regime has hung it's laundry out!
6) I don't care how much it hurts, the GOP needs to stand fast and send the message that extortion will no longer work!

Topics: Sequester
Randell Danner
The biggest deception about the sequester is that they aren't telling the whole facts about it. they tout it like the 85 billion covers one year and is going to result in cataclism but the truth is it covers a 10 year period which equals chump change spread out over that period of time. we're talkin...
  • February 26, 2013
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Raymond Carter
Just another deception from this admin.
  • February 26, 2013
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Dale Barnes
Too bad we the people can't sequester the whole administration. Good points.
  • February 26, 2013
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Shy Girl
If the GOP has even one vertebrate left in their backbone I hope they use it now.  
  • February 27, 2013
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