
I'm an over the top Les Miz fan and have seen the show in live theater productions six times from Baltimore to London.  I know all the lyrics and can often be seen singing my heart out while waving the feather duster over my chotskies and prancing around the dining room table.  I'm also a fan of Brad Goreski of TV's It's a Brad, Brad World. Somehow the finale from last season got by me but I managed to catch a re-run the other day and I can't stop watching it!!   Nothing motivates me to reach new highs like this surprise gift from Gary.

If reprises of thundering tunes don't lift you off your chair,  this one might.  

To set it up, it's Brad & Gary's 10th Anniversary.  Brad has just given Gary a watch in commemoration and Gary says that he didn't get anything for Brad.  But actually, he did and what he set up is what makes me alternatively laugh and cry...........both together and one at a time.

Safari Woman
That was really cool and what an awesome gift. I don't know about Brad World and I've never seen Les Mis. But Les Mis seems like a musical I would enjoy. I am more of an Opera (or my alternative side loves punk rock) fan.... But from that song I enjoyed the message enough to make me think that the n...
  • March 5, 2013
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