To begin, this is a sensitive topic for people on the political right so let me first say I am not attacking the political right here... but addressing the extremes you know exist but find difficult to address. I am an Independent Centrist which gives me a unique perspective on the Us vs Them element in our society and most know I mean them no harm when I address these matters, but they must be addressed and I am free to do so because I align with no particular groups while at the same time supporting all groups where I find truth and facts to back their views.

On abortion, I am Pro Necessity. A new concept where we cut through the US vs Them mentality which prolongs this sad issue rather than resolving it. Politicians and special interests gain much by prolonging this battle on both sides. If you are Pro Life, my view is you stand on the side which is more correct, but there are extremists who do the cause more damage than the Pro Choicers do. A preacher screaming away against abortion we learn has himself paid for abortions in secret to conceal adultery or to help members of the congregation in distress because of an unwanted pregnancy.  There are many in the Pro Life movement who are like this, people who would deny all women the right to an abortion where such can be justified such as rape and life endangerment... but the opposition in Pro Choice support views established in the early 20th century for the purpose of eugenics and purifying the white race. Margaret Sanger was a white supremist who supported sterilizing undesirables and convincing them to have abortions if they were already pregnant... end result, black women today have two to three times as many abortions as white women because blacks were a key target of Sangers activities, Sanger being the founder of Planned Parenthood.

Because rightwing extremists scream the loudest in Pro Life, the mainstream Pro Life movement doesn't realize they have this battle won. Focus on Sanger, her purpose for Planned Parenthood and the other extremists who created Pro Choice ideology and you end the abortion debate. But you must understand that even if you are religious and that's the source of your objection to abortion, the Bible says God tests us and this could be a test of your views and understanding. Women become pregnant all the time and something goes wrong, the embryo is flushed from their bodies and they might never have known they were pregnant. Does God want women to become pregnant from rape or to die giving childbirth? Of course not, but extremists say he does out of some "mystery" reason we can't understand or even to punish the mother for perceived wrongs... the same views we had during the witch hunts where we now know there were no witches. This mentality is wrong and if anything, God may have given us the intellect and knowledge to prevent women being forced to give birth from rape or die in childbirth when we can prevent it. If a womans body purges itself of embryos and fetuses naturally when they didn't even know they were pregnant, how can that be a punishment from God or Gods will when she'd have to know she was pregnant for that to be the case?

Most Pro Choicers do not support the pro Choice view. They support Pro Choice because they support abortion in cases of rape or life endangerment. But they see the extremists in Pro Life and they have legitimate fears they mean to deny women the right to abortion in cases of rape or life endangerment. They see the opposition to birth control which would prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place... remove the extremist elements in Pro Life and you win over all these people who support Pro Choice and leave the extremists on both sides as a vocal minority no one listenes to anymore.

I use abortion here as an example to illustrate there is a better way, there are answers, but you must address the extremist elements in your own movement to find them. When you look at how many support Pro Life but have either had abortions or paid for them in secret, it should be an eye opener that you are being duped by extremists who would impose their will upon you... while violating these same rules they would impose upon all of us.

Do we really need arsenals of weapons? If you are so afraid that the government will turn the military on us, then oppose spending for our military and eliminate the threat by depriving our leaders of the military power they would use against us. For all your military weapons, it only takes a cheap drone to wipe you and that arsenal off the map... you have no power to oppose the federal government if it wants to turn the military against you. But while you oppose efforts to remove military assault weapons from the general population in fear of the government, you create greater fear among the public because criminals are the ones who get their hands on these weapons and use them. You are 100% more likely to be killed by a criminal with a military assault weapon than the US government. Do you need military assault weapons for self defense or hunting? No, you don't.

All you need is a basic handgun with six shots to eliminate most threats. It requires you train yourself to be a good shot where automatic weapons with hundreds of bullets require no training which is why criminals like them because one gun with an ammo clip of a hundred bullets can hold hundreds of people at their mercy where six shooters and their limited firepower allow heroes to find their courage and risk their lives to stop these criminals because even if shot, they might survive and others may find their courage seeing this bravery because they know the criminal cannot shoot them all... but with an automatic weapon, they can. So having an arsenal of weapons will not save you against the government but it keeps these guns in the hands of criminals and that in turn creates fear and paranoia in the general population where we oppose gun control where it logically makes sense as we don't fear the government, we fear the criminals who use these weapons and it's the extremist anti gun control element who makes that possible.

Don't misunderstand, I know very well that most who claim to support gun control are liars who want to eliminate guns completely... which is why I do not support them anymore than I support those who want us all going Rambo. Recently, there has been a scare being spread about because the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has ordered huge quantities of bullets and tanks. Well, what would you expect? If the DHS exists, it has to have weapons and equipment. The real question is why isn't the NRA or Republicans in Washington DC raising hell about this? Because they understand that even if they oppose the DHS, it exists and must be properly provided for so the men and women in the DHS can do their jobs... they are not the problem and improperly providing for them can get them killed. Because of the rightwing extremist element, those who support the political right are focused on the bullets and tanks when they should be focused on the NRA and Republicans in Washington DC to eliminate the DHS itself. We have the National Guard and the bulk of our federal military forces are here in the US... we do not need the DHS and it is a huge waste of taxpayer dollars. But by allowing the extreme right to divert your attention with their hysteria, you actually empower the very people behind the DHS and allow them to further it because attacking them means nothing... you have no power except through the elected leaders you put in power as they have the power to eliminate the DHS. But when you focus on these non issues like the bullets and tanks, you are being diverted from this and the fact your elected leaders are doing nothing means they are part of this. If you don't make them do what you want, then they'll do what they want and apparently they want the DHS to exist or why else aren't they opposing it strongly... or opposing it at all?

The rightwing extremist element does as much damage or more to what you believe in and support as the extreme left. But the danger here is you see the extreme left for who and what they are... you also see the extreme right for who and what they are but fear opposing them will somehow empower the left or cause infighting which will harm your side. The problem with this is that the extreme right does as much damage to your cause as the extreme left.

Ask yourself, do you want to fight these battles forever, or do you want to end them?

Prolonging these battles only benefits career politicians and special interests doing everything in their power to prolong these battles for their own self serving reasons. For some, it's political influence, for others it's publicity or gaining a following where no one would ever give them the time of day otherwise... and for some, it's simple greed and power.

It's like a game of chess where we are the pawns of the king and queen on either side of the board. But in this case, the pawns are willing participants choosing to be manipulated and thinking the kings and queens support them just because you start out on the same side of the board they control. But all the pawns can be sacrificed for those they think support them when it's supposed to be the other way around... you give them power to represent you and they're supposed to represent you instead of themselves or anyone with the money or special interest leverage to buy them off.

When I address this, I point out that the American Eagle can survive without it's wings if we work together to provide for it... but without the body, the wings are just lifeless decaying flesh. Is it any wonder that this nation is decaying all around us when all we think about are the wings when it's the body we should be concerned with and that takes us working together... let the wings rot and decay as the children of the eagle will fly high and strong because of the sacrifices we make now to help the eagle survive to give birth to the next generation who might understand that wings are for flying and not for flapping us in the face and tripping us at every turn like an albatross.

We are a nation with broken wings... it's time to heal and make those wings do what they were designed to do, or cut them off because both wings offend us all and keep us on the ground fighting against ourself like some insane lunatic trying to rip out it's own throat.

We can survive this but you must understand, the extreme right does as much damage to this nation as the extreme left and it does more damage to the cause of the mainstream right, the vast majority of the political right, than the extreme left does because you trust these people and can see the extreme left for what it is and you are willing to fight against it... it's time to take on the extreme right as well if you truly want to help this nation to survive and recover. It doesn't mean sacrificing what you believe or to become moderate or leftwing as you might fear when people talk like this, it means don't just fear the left hand holding a gun to your head when the right hand has a sharp knife to your throat and both care nothing about you beyond what you can give them... and if you have nothing to give, the knife cutting your throat is no worse then the bullet going through your head as dead is dead.

Don't stop opposing the extreme left, just remember the extreme right is no different and cares about you no less than the extreme left. Think for yourselves and look at the behavior of those who lead you and provide you with opinions... are they more concerned with you and fixing what's wrong with this nation, or do they only want to divide us against one another as Us vs Them for their own personal self serving gain.

Be an American first and foremost. Educate yourselves on the issues important to you. Think for yourselves and make the effort to research the topics of the day which are important to you... accusing your opposition of being sheep means nothing if you're just a sheep of a different color on the other side of the fence.

Safari Woman
I don't agree with you about the number of guns and rounds. I've unfortunately lived a life that put me in contact with very dangerous people at times. Believe me, six shots in the hands of a nervous person might never reach its target and the people who are hard core criminal elements are armed to ...
  • March 6, 2013
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100 shots might also kill several bystanders or even people you're trying to defend... I would much rather a nervous person as you describe limited to six bullets and not spray shooting the entire community because they have a huge reserve of ammo but are as you describe... we have seen this happen ...
  • March 6, 2013
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Safari Woman
Ummm ok it's 3:51 here on my end in the AM so zI can't possibly reply to all of this right now but let me say yes I considered your thoughts.
And I will do a short take on one of your rebuttals - the number of bullets and nervousness.. etc...
I think you read too much into my answer. But first you m...
  • March 7, 2013
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Alice Annette Schultz
That was pretty lengthy, hon.  You might want to take a look at this.  It may explain some of the things more clearly in terms of guns, the number of bullets, the damage they can and cannot do to a person, etc. http://www.teamnetworks.n...
You make some nice points, but the one that should really to...
  • March 7, 2013
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Safari Woman
Thanks for posting this article!
  • March 7, 2013
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For every right wing extremist there is a left wing extremist so in my book these two are eliminated from my consciousness.  They exist only in the minds of those practicing extremism and in my mind these people are classified as 'nuts' or 'nut jobs'. 
So that being said, of course there are differin...
  • March 7, 2013
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