


Last week, The Post reported that more than 145,000 city children struggle with mental illness or other emotional problems. That estimate, courtesy of New York’s Health Department, equals an amazing 1 in 5 kids. Could that possibly be true? In the last 20 years, rates of attention deficit disorder have tripled, while autistic disorder and childhood bipolar disorder have each increased by a remarkable 40-fold. Human nature just doesn’t change that quickly, but the labels follow fashion and can escalate dramatically without there being an actual increase in symptoms. Our kids haven’t suddenly become sicker, it’s just that diagnoses are applied to them more loosely. Some of the broadening usefully captures missed cases, but there has been a big overshoot because of aggressive drug-company advertising. Once the adult market was saturated, pharmaceutical manufacturers turned their greedy attention to kids and began a sometimes illegal campaign to convince doctors, parents and teachers that every childhood problem is a mental disorder, the result of a chemical imbalance that requires a pill solution. Medication use in children has skyrocketed — great news for the shareholders, but potentially quite dangerous for the children. Perhaps most troubling about all this is how it is changing the definition of normal behavior. Is a kid who is more interested in playing outside than sitting in a classroom suffering from ADD — or simply 7 years old? Is a child who slams his bedroom door and refuses to come to supper suffering from depression — or having a tantrum? We should not medicalize the aches and pains of normal childhood. Allen Frances, MD, was the chairperson of the task force for the fourth edition of the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.” His new book, “Saving Normal: An Insider’s Revolt Against Out-of-Control Psychiatric Diagnosis, DSM-5, Big Pharma, and the Medicalization of Ordinary Life” (William Morrow) is out in May.

Read the Full Article Here:

Wanda Hope Carter
Agree!!!!!!!! Totally and a hundred percent agree. Something else reported on is how most of the mass murders were comitted by people who were previously or currently on what I like to call "psycho drugs" because they've made every day conditions into a psychosis that needs a chemical to treat it.
  • April 7, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
So true!! We also go the natural route when and if we hubby is an Herbalist and I have so many weird side effects to pharmaceuticals! We also know ( from a retired Doctor) that they get paid from the Pharmaceutical companies for each prescription they write! He said that he would g...
  • April 8, 2013
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I believe that our man made environment is responsible for autism and other learning disabilities.  When we began using plastics for everything from utensils to auto interiors those chemicals have a half life and we've been sucking them up since the,  uh, 40's?  There was also a period when aluminum...
  • April 7, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
That is part of the problem...all the pesticides, fertilizers, plastic containers, food additives, Dioxins, vaccinations ( which contain mercury),....we are basically swimming in toxins! Studies have been done showing that the unborn child is being bombarded by all the toxins that mother's ar...
  • April 8, 2013
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Well, you know, you have those people who say 'cancer and birth defects' have been around since history was recorded'.  True.  And I think it's quite possible that when "A" combines with "B" an anomaly will result and the generational mutations cause a greater incidence when combined with todays 'ma...
  • April 9, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Diseases have been around for centuries but I think we have accelerated their growth.
Don't be sorry for us....He actually is doing very well. We found a neurodevelopmental program when he was quite young and he is excelling at his school work and physical milestones. Children with Trisomy 21...
  • April 9, 2013
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Your reply brought tears to my eyes.  All I can think to say is that God knows who to bless with disabled children! 
  • April 9, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Thank you! I was scared spitless when they told us, a few hours after his birth about his challenge. I didn't know whether I was going to be able to do it. They tell you such horror stories before you even have time to assimilate the diagnosis! It's something that has to change!
Our son, has...
  • April 10, 2013
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...and I do wonder about the influence of "operation paperclip" and MK Ultra
  • April 7, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
I'm not sure if those have anything to do with this. I do know that some have said they were being used in this way but....?
Of course if one starts drugging their kids with these pharmaceuticals who to say that those kids wouldn't be easier to brainwash for just that purpose?
  • April 8, 2013
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Robert Kenard
I would like to invite you and anyone reading to join my mind control group here My past is what it is and needs to stay there but I can say that I have a very keen interest in educating people about projects such as mkultra and operation paperclip. I ...
  • April 8, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Thanks for the info! Will be checking your group out later tonight....
  • April 8, 2013
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there are so many loose ends with what I believe to be multiple false flag events of the past year; 1.  Trayvon: when and where was the funeral?  did anyone check his parent's bank accounts.  is he really dead?  tacky but important questions.  how do we know this isn't just a scam to push forward UN...
  • April 9, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Yes....lots of those happening that the background stories are just crazy too!
  • April 9, 2013
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this is part of UN agenda 21; if there is a psych diagnosis it will never go away; that person will be (God forbid) restricted from full citizenship rights under whatever  (God forbid) shred of the constitution is left and sent to whatever (God forbid) FEMA slave camp is operational and mandated by ...
  • April 10, 2013
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