A friend of mine who has never believed that the Obama birth certificate issue was a real one sent me this in a link. She saw the scribed document and finally started looking into the whole story. She didn't say much in the mail but what she did say expressed her shock at this discovery even though I've sent her links to things for several years now.

To my friends who have wondered and worried over this and tried to make your friends understand why you feel the way you do even when they reply to mock you or dismiss it without further thought: Don't give up, keep posting, keep sending mails, keep the subject in the public arena. You never know when it might finally add up to something in a person's mind. This is a pretty shocking thing to wake up to politically and once you do there is no turning back. Maybe that is the reason why so many resist it. 

Something is terribly wrong here and it is so out in the open that it might be the thing that scares me the most right now. When people can see something as important and real as this is and brush it off, it makes me feel like I'm living in a science fiction movie where everyone's brains are taken over by aliens. 



Robert Kenard
I think you found a core issue with this. It sounds so fantastic, and to accept the reality of it will force one to pull their head out of the sand. What they see they can't unsee. It is easier to live in a fantasy for a while. 
  • April 14, 2013
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This won't matter to his supporters or Congress.   I hate to say it, but it's been four plus years now and they're still in awe of this POS.
  • April 14, 2013
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Alice Annette Schultz
Lois, I think you have hit the nail on the head. How I see it is Congress knows we are broke and nobody can fix it, even with a halfway decent budget; we are going belly up! As a result, 1) they could care less whether 0bama is legit or not; 2) they are all padding their own nests in hopes of getti...
  • April 14, 2013
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Shy Girl
I think I've won over two people, one more than the other, to at least consider the possibilities. I play stupid and ask questions. But I wouldn't even mention this to most of the people I know. They would think I lost my mind for even caring about it. 
  • April 15, 2013
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