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Saturday, April 13, 2013 by: J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) Since the teachers unions, aided by friendly far-left-of-center politicians and bureaucrats, took over public schools a couple of decades ago, American education, quite simply, has been in steep decline.

"Scores from the 2009 Programme for International Student Assessment to be released Tuesday show 15-year-old students in the U.S. performing about average in reading and science, and below average in math. Out of 34 countries, the U.S. ranked 14th in reading, 17th in science and 25th in math," said a 2010 USA Today report.

Add to the fact that the attitude among the education statist elite that your kids don't really belong to you, but to the community and that they should all have to attend, in the words of Investor's Business Daily, "reeducation centers....where they cannot pray, pledge allegiance to God and country, but where they can get condoms and free contraceptives," and you can begin to see why more Americans are looking for viable alternatives to educating their sons and daughters.

Physician and long-serving former GOP Rep. Ron Paul has one, and - appropriately - it is named after him.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.co...

This is very good to hear.  Anything that can be done to improve homeschooling or to make it more attractive to parents is a step away from indoctrination.  Also, even the most incomptetent parents would do a far better job than the government! 
  • April 14, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
So TRUE! I could see this being used even if one doesn't home school....as an added education for families to use to teach their kids the truth, so the indoctrination centers ( schools) don't have the upper hand.
I have one in a public school system and one I home school. We are constantly talking wi...
  • April 14, 2013
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Cassie Simpson
Even though I am a working single mom, I take at least an hour a night to help my kids study. I have books that I bought for them too outside of their texts. I had a consultation with my son's teacher last year after he did a report on the history of the climate ages on earth and got a D. It was a g...
  • April 14, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Good for you Cassie! That is total BS ....theories...how about teaching facts for cryin' out loud! Glad you had the resources with you to teach the teacher with! LOL!
My daughters school keeps trying to push the junk-science of "Global Warming is man-made".....We have also shown teachers where they a...
  • April 15, 2013
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You're doing a great job Cassie! So what your school was telling you is that they don't teach the children to think for themselves. In that mindset, no one would ever achieve anything beyond what they've been taught.

Unless it a definitive answer, it's all so subjective! If you can make them laugh...
  • April 14, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
BTW.....Sun News Network has Brian Lilley on tonight talking about what Our children are learning in school! You can catch his show by going to http://www.sunnewsnetwork... and watching the video. It's By-Line with Brian Lilley.
Brian Lilley dishes on what your kids
are learning in school and
why yo...
  • April 15, 2013
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