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By Paula Helton

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How many Americans have heard of Extortion 17? Extortion 17 was the call sign for the Chinook helicopter shot down in Afghanistan on the night of August 6, 2011. Killed in that crash were 25 special ops forces, including 15 members of Seal Team 6, 5 national Guard troops and 8 Afghans.

Today, the families of the military killed in that crash held a press conference to lay out the coverup by Obama and the military that has gone on since that crash. The video of the press conference can be found here

I watched the live stream of the press conference, admittedly crying throughout. Then the point came that the tears turned into white hot anger. Every American citizen must watch this video. The major Obama regime coverups did not occur only in Fast and Furious, the New Black Panther voter intimidation case and Benghazi. The man sitting in OUR White house is methodically destroying our country, our military and our very existence.

Islamist Imam praying over our soldiers at Bagram Air Base

At the beginning of the video is footage of the Islamist Imam praying over our soldiers at Bagram Air Base. Of course he prays in Arabic, but in the English translation he sent our heroes into eternal hell as infidels while praising the Islamist relationship with our country. You read that right, and our Government and our military let that happen.




Obama's trek into politics was less than miniscule  He has no idea how government works, what protocol is or what it means to actually "govern".  I'll bet he thought that  his Secret Service, CIA and FBI were above God and could erase anything.  But word gets out and we were the annoying bee that ke...
  • May 10, 2013
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Elaine Morris
One tiny add in to your comment.  He had/has enough people around him to know "exactly" how things work. Procedures, protocol get in his way.   He didn't care!  He has been hell bent all along to do it his way.  Seems to be working for him.  I do think he has been told (paraphrase) "Sir, you don't d...
  • May 11, 2013
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Oh yes!  HIS way or get out of my way!!!
  • May 11, 2013
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Elaine Morris
Exactly!  Lois, maybe it was "fate". About (?) two years ago, I had to go to the local pawn shop to sell my silver and gold, etc. in order to pay bills.  
There was a man standing in front of me waiting in line.  I began chatting with Tommy, the owner, asking him (in humor) "how are the gun sales goi...
  • May 11, 2013
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Elaine Morris
He is VERY self centered and self righteous like a toxic, powerful child.  He throws fits if he doesn't get his way.  With the power he has, that can be very dangerous for anyone around him.
  • May 13, 2013
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Elaine Morris
He is doing it...step-by-step...and the steps are very close together and more often to hand us over to the Musilms...this AS THEIR NATION.
  • May 10, 2013
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Elaine Morris
Hannity and a few others really do believe he is going to simply step down.
I do want to be wrong..won't mind a bit.  I don't think he will.  I think he has even worse...EVEN EVIL PLANS FOR OUR COUNTRY.
I do believe there is a plan in place to hand us over to the Muslims on 9/11.
  • May 10, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
He's not going to step down....if he does the Saudi Princes will have his Gonads stuffed in his mouth before they behead him! He was paid handsomely to do the job he's doing and they aren't a very forgiving type of people!
@Lois....He didn't need to know anything about Governing a nation....he only n...
  • May 10, 2013
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Elaine Morris
I DO know that politicians are greedy; and with what we have in D.C. now?  They have gone way over what has ever been done before in greed and corruption.
However, now?  I no longer think it is just "the greed."  I, honestly, think they are afraid of him.  He isn't just corrupt.  He is evil.  He has ...
  • May 10, 2013
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The Congress, obama administration and everyone connected to this government does NOT resemble American Government in any form whatsoever!!  
  • May 11, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Not the American Government from way before....This is marxist/socialism that you are seeing at work now, mixed in with a lot of PC BS!
  • May 12, 2013
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Elaine Morris
I apologize, I basically, already said that.  IT IS really on my mind as you can tell!
I am very very afraid for our country.
  • May 10, 2013
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