Money, Economics & Finances

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Wanda Hope Carter

I was unable to sleep the night before my visit. The "what ifs" kept me awake more than the idea of what she would be doing to me for an evaluation. Actually, I passed out finally at 9:30 AM but had to get up at 10:30 AM to m...
Safari Woman

Excerpts: A recent story in EnergyGuardian (sub. req’d) centered on Senator Sheldon Whitehouse’s (D-R.I.) support for the carbon “fee” bill introduced by his colleagues Sen. Barbara Boxer and Sen. Bernie Sanders. Fortunately,...
Safari Woman

I'm telling you honestly this may put an end to all I am trying to do if passed. No matter what they do - you can expect: fewer online shops which means less choices, to pay taxes on every purchase of anything whether a downl...
Willis Pebble

Well, unless the House stands up and John Boehner to not allow a bill against this bill by not taking this bill up, we will never have a secure border. I wish there was somebetter leadership in the house, but there is a chanc...
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