Money, Economics & Finances

Safari Woman

It has been said that a picture can speak a thousand words. These pictures of charts about the statistics related to American workers speak millions of words because their lines represent living, breathing people with familie...
Safari Woman

I'll be damned, probably quite literally, if I will continue to knowingly support those who take the money I give them and use it against me. Progressive Insurance falls in that category of businesses that use profits to fund...
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: Using data from the Federal Election Commission, this chart shows all donations that corporate members of the US Business Coalition for TPP made to US Senate campaigns between January and March 2015, when fast-track...
R Potts

I spent the better part of the morning trying to figure out what in the (F)inancial is going on. I read about the Dow plunging, China meltdown, Gold rising and gold plummeting, the federal reserve keeping interest rates stead...
Wanda Hope Carter

After weeks of searching for a boat that included driving around the state of Florida looking at one disappointment after the other, and dealing with a variety of types of listing brokers, I made two good finds.  One was a bo...
Joseph Ryan

Why Obama won and what we need to do! Many Americans who are concerned about liberty and the economy were surprised and discouraged by the reelection of Barak Obama and the Democrats regaining the Senate. I was concerned beca...
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