Computer, Internet & Blogging

Safari Woman

This is the website listed by URL as the President's Climate Committee and which reads like a propaganda lobby for  "We Sell Globull Warming Whether Science Supports It Or Not.." Do we need this propaganda board?...
Safari Woman

I'm telling you honestly this may put an end to all I am trying to do if passed. No matter what they do - you can expect: fewer online shops which means less choices, to pay taxes on every purchase of anything whether a downl...
Safari Woman

Oh Gee, do you think there is even a slight chance that Obama visiting Amazon six days before it's founder, Bezo, bought Washington Post and the news that Obama's DOJ head Eric Holder wants to take over Apple IPod and Apps so...
Safari Woman

Wowz. I think it is worth the time to read the whole article to better discover the intimidation by Obama and evidence of Federal control over the media. Here are a few excerpts to  start with -> “Phone calls from the White H...
Safari Woman

EUTimes is at it again! Of course - would we have expected less? EUTimes is a disinfo source related to Sorcha Faael, infamous internet hoaxer. Search the name, look through the old articles that all start out pretty much the...
Wanda Hope Carter

Today my friend posted an image on facebook pointing out that Republicans stood against the "Equal Pay for Women" bill in unison. The first response to it showed that the idea was taken at face value to mean that Republicans ...
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