Topic: Communists

William Davis Hall

It has bothered me to watch the news about Ferguson. For most of her life, my daughter has grown up in a world where blacks and whites got along and where color was becoming a lesser distinction between people. She said it ma...
Safari Woman is online.

On October 31st during a speech in Rhode Island, Obama called for more tax payer spending on pre-school because staying at home with the children isn't a choice that "we" want Americans to make. It isn't only Obama who is wag...
Safari Woman is online.

I came across a couple of interesting posts posing the question in the title and arguing whether Huxley, author of The Brave New World was more correct about the future than Orwell, author of 1984. Their future was our presen...
Safari Woman is online.

If my mind was in the gutter and my vocabulary limited, I might have to say that Lois Lerner is the one who is acting like an Ahole, and so is Eric Holder for not calling on a special prosecutor to look into the matter. But ...
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