Topic: Dictatorship

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Safari Woman

The Washington Examiner reports" "President Obama on Friday signed into law a bill authored by Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz that would bar an Iranian diplomat from entering the United States, but immediately issued a statem...
Safari Woman

So just how far will Obama push his dictatorship posing as a presidency? EXCERPTS: White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest confirmed Monday that President Obama is "very interested" in the idea of raising taxes through unila...
Safari Woman

Wowz. I think it is worth the time to read the whole article to better discover the intimidation by Obama and evidence of Federal control over the media. Here are a few excerpts to  start with -> “Phone calls from the White H...
Safari Woman

What does it say about America, when one of our "Journalists" is inspired by a Russian Journalist who did the same thing? EXCERPTS: In a resignation letter obtained by National Report, Wagner claims she has been spreading “li...
Bob Gallo

By Nancy Thorner and Elizabeth Clarke -  In an Education Reporter article published July 2007, William A. Borst wrote: The public schools have become the new Marxist laboratories for social engineering. The average public s...
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