Topic: Media

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Safari Woman

Excerpts: The House Oversight Committee heard from the mainstream media today and no one would have expected the things they were saying.  They were loud.  They were mad.  They were demanding that members of the Obama adminis...
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson thinks the media “should all be embarrassed” for not holding the Obama administration and the Holder Justice Department accountable for their lack of transparency in the Fas...
Safari Woman

This Scandal is beyond Scandal - it is a CRIME! Now the IRS just happened to lose Lois Lerner Emails? Isn't this alone reason enough to act on this crime against American citizens for no reason other than their political lean...
Lucas Delgado

We have a system of “neo-feudalism” in which all of us and our national governments are enslaved to debt. " Karen Hudes is a graduate of Yale Law School and she worked in the legal department of the World Bank for more than 2...
Safari Woman

WTG Raffi and Juan - as you are just now finding out - the so called party of tolerance is completely intolerant of anyone who thinks outside of the fence of the dem plantation. What father and son has to say should be heard ...
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