Topic: New York

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Safari Woman

Meltdown alert!!!! Over at George Soros's seemingly favorite "Sheeple Slave Master" site,, (which I will not so lovingly refer to here forth as MoveOn.Borg) someone dared to start a petition asking DeBlasio to res...
Safari Woman

Very informative coverage found at the article below. EXCERPTS: By Matt Agorist Underneath the visitors’ center in the United States Capitol is a secure room where the House Intelligence Committee stores highly classified fil...
Redneck Angel Warrior

  At least I know that CSIS is following through with information they have received from the Israeli Intelligence Agency!   A major terrorist al-Qaeda-linked plot to derail an New York-to-Toronoto passenger train was just t...
Safari Woman

Cayuga County Gun owners can be identified by physicians, psychologists, registered nurses or licensed clinical social workers as unfit without their knowledge, as the law does not require health professionals to inform a pa...
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