Safari Woman

Crush Satan Under Your Feet »Photos

Religion, Philosophy and Metaphysical
Socialized medicine in the UK - you have no control over your own childrens lives
2-13-17 Since Trump in office 1278 human traffickers have been arrested in the USA
The conservative version of When they go low We go high
The endless vaccines cash cow
Were the three stooges in charge of watching Epstein in jail
when the righteous are in authority the people rejoice bible verse
Yale hosted liberal whack job who dreams of shooting white people
exposing satanism
Epstein invested in AI and neuro-science
Names and faces of arrested Antifa Members
Transitioning children without parents consent
The UK liberals protesting with Baby Trump blimp
Imagine taking orders from mass criminals and thinking you are virtuous
Operation Sea Spray
The cost of Heroine Addiction in the USA KEEP HEROINE OUT OF AMERICA
Planned parenthood vs NRA
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