Why are you, why is anybody, afraid? Is it based on not wanting to be hurt? Or is it that one wants complete security, and not being able to find it - this sense of complete safety, of protection, physically, emotionally, psychologically - one becomes terribly anxious about living? - so there is this sense of uncertainty. Now why is there fear? You have been hurt, haven't you? And out of that hurt you do all kinds of things. We resist a great deal, we don't want to be disturbed; out of that feeling of hurt we cling to something which we hope will protect us. Therefore we become aggressive towards anything that attacks what we are holding on to for protection. As a human being sitting here, wanting to resolve this problem of fear what is it that you are frightened of?


The biggest fear I have is of the results of the current administration and their ilk. I've been going through a physical upset over this last week and I also realize that I fear pain and having to give up so much to have to pay for it if I couldn't get it in control. I know it is wrong but I can't help it.


Safari Woman said...

The biggest fear I have is of the results of the current administration and their ilk. I've been going through a physical upset over this last week and I also realize that I fear pain and having to give up so much to have to pay for it if I couldn't get it in control. I know it is wrong but I can't help it.

What the country is going through now is due to the ignorance of the voters. A lot of people have heed it good for a long time anf this breeds ignorance. So far the liberals have eeeb able


What the country is going through now is due to the ignorance of the voters. A lot of people have heed it good for a long time anf this breeds ignorance. So far the liberals have eeeb able

sorry, I hit the wrong button. So far the liberals have been able to hide the damage, but that is comming to an end soon. Then the ignorant will get a serious education on the result of liberal rule. This is a cycle and not the first one this country has gone through. This is beyond your control. Focus your efforts on survival and let the cycle work its way through. If you keep beating yourself up, you will soon have some serious health issues....later

Yes, I think I'm there on the health issues. I've been through hell and back many times. I find it odd that this time I feel fear about having my life completely torn up by the roots. Maybe it is my age. I'm tired of having to fight. I find it harder to generate the energy. Thanks for the reminder that nothing is new under the sun. Smile


sorry, I hit the wrong button. So far the liberals have been able to hide the damage, but that is comming to an end soon. Then the ignorant will get a serious education on the result of liberal rule. This is a cycle and not the first one this country has gone through. This is beyond your control. Focus your efforts on survival and let the cycle work its way through. If you keep beating yourself up, you will soon have some serious health issues....later

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