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Rocky said...

I give this subject a lot of thought!  I think we go on, but in what form and for what purpose......who knows.  It seems to me that we're a renewable source of something.  Electrical energy?  I can't grasp quantum physics or even calculus for that matter, so I don't expect to understand death.

 A loooooooong time ago. I visited a lady -- long story - but I was meant to in order to get help I needed at that time, and she explained God/life to me like this. "It is like electricity. It is every where, we just have to harness it and bring it into focus where we need it." She went on to a lengthy degree about the electricity angle such as we can't see it but we can feel it and it can be used for helpful things or it can be harmful if not used properly. It made sense to me at the time.

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