If there was no ideal at all, you would be left with “what is”. Would that make one complacent? Or would you then have the energy, the interest, the vitality to solve ‘what is’? Is not the ideal of non-violence an escape from the fact of violence? When the mind is not escaping, but is confronted with the fact of violence—that it is violent, not condemning it, not judging it—then surely such a mind has an entirely different quality and there is no longer violence.


But that doesn't stop other people from being violent. I'm afraid I don't understand what this is teaching.

But that doesn't stop other people from being violent. I'm afraid I don't understand what this is teaching.

we can only control our actions and support the laws that protect us from violence. the illusion that we can controll others brings about fustration and suffering. If a violent person studied krisnamurti, he would soon understand what drives the anger and then on only then would their behavior begin to change. People filled with hatred usually only change when they have a life changing experience or the suffering resulting  from the hate filled life becomes unbearable

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