Is there righteous anger ever? Or is there only anger? There is no good influence or bad influence, only influence, but when you are influenced by something which doesn’t suit me I call it an evil influence.
The moment you protect your family, your country, a bit of coloured rag called a flag, a belief, an idea, a dogma, the thing that you demand or that you hold, that very protection indicates anger. So can you look at anger without any explanation or justification, without saying, “I must protect my goods,” or “I was right to be angry,” or “How stupid of me to be angry”? Can you look at anger as if it were something by itself? Can you look at completely objectively, which means neither defending it nor condemning it?


Jesus got angry and threw the money changers out of the Temple - and I've studied that for appropriate use of anger - he obviously felt there are things worth the emotional discharge and protecting. How would you fit what this says with what Jesus did?

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Jesus got angry and threw the money changers out of the Temple - and I've studied that for appropriate use of anger - he obviously felt there are things worth the emotional discharge and protecting. How would you fit what this says with what Jesus did?

righteous is the opposite of unrighteous and is typical of all dualistic arguments in that there are no answers. Only a relative point between two opposites. For those seeking peace, the only point for them lies in the exact center between the two opposites. In this instance you have both and at the same time, you have neither, since they null each other out. This momentarily leaves the mind in a perfect state of stillness or communion with God as we have discussed before.

Jesus was a dualistic being same as us. He was born and he died as we all do. What happened after his death, I was not a witness to and until I witness it personally, I reserve the right to remain skeptical. His teachings were heavily dogmatized, and we have to be careful not to let the distortions interfere with his real message.  He was a powerful teacher as well and taught a lot in parables. I have not examined the event to determine the deeper meaning it held. Far too often we stop at the surface of his teachings and not reach the deeper meanings he intended to convey........later

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