Well, this shark attack story has definitely caught my attention. I have been practicing puching underwater for many, many, years. And yes pretty much just for such a scenario . I started wearing a big knife strapped to my ankle in Hawaii about 20 years ago, but I always thought, what if a shark decides that would be the first leg to bite, or maybe just the shine of the knife might catch its eye and it would go for it for that reason???

Anyway I decided that if any of the crazy what-ifs came to be, I would atleast want to give them a fight.So, I started practicing punching underwater(and kicking, poking,elbowing,etc).Yes, some of my friends would look at me like I was crazy at times but strangers would give me that look all the time,haha! Wink They probably thought I had some anger management issues, haha!

I always thought that if one day I am put in that situation, I would probably be more prepared than most and would atleast be able to know,no matter the outcome, that I had given it my best.And if I were to survive it, then I would have a great story.(who knows maybe I could travel the world and give fighting-underwater-survival-skills "F.U.S.S." lessons...my advertisement could be "come see what all the F.U.S.S. is about"...hehehe! OK, I got a little carried away ,I just wanted to share my underwater puching story Smile

Peace, Love & Aloha Surfing
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