Eh check out the video! Hawaii N Shore -- major erosion and the last shot looks like the house in front of Phil's place! The water came right up to the patio. Is it? The tree in front of there is gone for sure yeah? You probably know some of these guys.

I'm here to help.

Wow yeah I know who those guys are that is definitely in the zone!!! The last house does look like it - I'm going to dig for a picture that I might have handy - to see but if it isn't it is right there in the same place. Last year the tree fell down but it was still living - this had to take it out and wow the winter hasn't really even started yet this is spooky.


Hey yeah I'm almost positive that is it! I found this report where it mentions Yee residence and shows a lot more pictures - wow - scary!  http://www.hawaiinewsnow....


i thought so theres only one house that looks like that around there u talk to pg? it might get him too this year they predict big surf 

Safari Woman said...

Hey yeah I'm almost positive that is it! I found this report where it mentions Yee residence and shows a lot more pictures - wow - scary!  http://www.hawaiinewsnow....

I'm here to help.

yep that was in front of pg's landlords house and pg's house is behind his landlords so ...yikes!

Peace, Love & Aloha Surfing
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