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At the actual moment, as I am sitting here, I am not afraid; I am not afraid in the present, nothing is happening to me, nobody is threatening me or taking anything away from me. But beyond the actual moment there is a deeper layer in the mind that is consciously or unconsciously thinking of what might happen in the future or worrying that something from the past may overtake me. So I am afraid of the past and the future. I have divided time into the past and the future. Thought steps in, says, “Be careful it does not happen again”, or “Be prepared for the future. The future may be dangerous for you. You have got something now but you may lose it. You may die tomorrow, your wife may run away, you may lose your job. You may never become famous. You may be lonely. You want to be quite sure of tomorrow.”


Live in the now

Peace, Love & Aloha Surfing

You are awesome. I have trouble living in the present. I have found though, that the present can be scary too if you have PTSD and are having mega flashbacks. I wonder what your thoughts are?

Kahaluu Girl said...

Live in the now

I am not saying I always do, but I do try to remind myself that this is where I am and  it is the only place where I can work in and where my input matters the most. I can't change what has already transpired and I could easily worry myself into a frenzy about what may or may not happen,and how things may or may not turn out, etc. At times I do have to reel myself in, get grounded and return to LIVE IN THE NOW frame of mind ....................................................(til I get this time machine finished Wink hehejk)

Peace, Love & Aloha Surfing

I am here ->>> The future may be dangerous for you. You have got something now but you may lose it.

To Achieve Your Dreams, Remember Your ABCs

One thing that helps me is reminding myself that thew pain will not last forever, because I am saved by Jesus. The hard part is waiting.

When your life is almost taken from you and you have squashed that fear because your faith held and supported you and you know your prayers and the prayers of those who love you were answered, fear is a thing of the past.  Bank with God, stand with God and there shall be no fear.

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