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Pride is a strange thing, pride in small things and big things; in our possessions, in our achievements, in our virtues, pride of race, name and family; in capacity, in looks, in knowledge. We make all this feed this pride, or we run to humility. The opposite of pride is not humility, it is still pride, only it is called humility; the consciousness of being humble is a form of pride. The mind has to be something. It struggles to be this or that, it can never be in a state of nothingness. If nothingness is a new experience, it must have that experience, the very attempt to be still is another acquisition.


Good grief, I have seen this in action and have been astounded that others could not see what I was witnessing. Further, history abounds with excellent examples.

Linda Mihalic

Oh there are few as hypocritical as a purposefullly  "Humble" human being. Those who I would call truly humble never seemed to notice that they were nor did they advertise it in any way because their humble personalities were genuine and it was merely their nature. Those people, I think, are the most sensitive and respectful of others by nature.

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