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Questioner: Can there be thinking without memory?

Krishnamurti: In other words, is there thought without the word? You know, it is very interesting, if you go into it. Is the speaker using thought? Thought, as the word, is necessary for communication, is it not?
The speaker has to use words, English words, to communicate with you who understand English. And the words come out of memory, obviously. But what is the source, what is behind the word? Let me put it differently.

There is a drum; it gives out a tone. When the skin is tightly stretched at the right tension, you strike it, and it gives out the right tone, which you may recognize. The drum, which is empty, in right tension, is as your own mind can be. When there is right attention and you ask the right question, then it gives the right answer. The answer may be in terms of the word, the recognizable, but that which comes out of that emptiness is, surely, creation. The thing that is created out of knowledge is mechanical, but the thing which comes out of emptiness, out of the unknown, that is the state of creation.


this reminds me of when a Japanese translator wanted to translate a piece that had the concept of achieving dreams in it - she absolutely could not grasp what was meant by dreams - other than what you have during sleep. My trying to explain personal goals and etc did not help, finally she told me the only word the Japanese could possibly relate to as similar was chi. -- Even though imho it has nothing to do with chi, I let her go with it because the rest of the message translated fairly well. But - so yes words - represent thoughts and memory. She had no thoughts of nor memory of anything she could relate to in the concept of acheiving dreams.

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