Is it possible to observe without the thinker? I look at everything with an image, with a symbol, with memory, with knowledge. I look at my friend, at my wife, at my neighbour, at the boss, with the image which thought has built. I look at my wife with the image I have about her, and she looks at me with the image she has about me: the relationship is between these two images. This is a fact, it's not an invention on my part;it's a fact! Thought has built these symbols, images, ideas. Can I look, at first, at a tree, at a flower, at the sky, at the cloud, without an image? The image of the tree is the word I have learnt which gives a certain name to the tree, tells its species, and recalls its beauty. Can I look at that tree, at that cloud, at that flower, without thought, without the image? That's fairly easy to do, if you have done it. But can I look without the image,at a human being with whom I am intimate, whom I consider as wife, husband, child? If I can't, there is no real relationship: the only relationship is between the images that we both have. So can I look at life -the clouds, the stars, the trees, the river, the bird on the wing, my wife, my child, my neighbour, this whole earth-can I look at it all without the image? Though you have insulted me, though you have hurt me, though you have said nasty things about me or praised me, can I look at you without the image or the memory of what you have done and said to me?

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