We have been told that all paths lead to truth. You have a path as a Hindu and someone else has a path as a Christian and another as a Muslim, and they all meet at the same door- which is, hen you look at it, so obviously absurd. Truth as no path, and that is the beauty of truth, it is living.


I studied religions and related subjects for over a decade. I talked to a lot of people during that time too. I was on my own exploration quest. And while I understand what you are saying to mean - that truth is living and regardless of the path they grew up in or started out on, people who seek it are still all a part of the living truth and only their perspectives from where they are on which path will be different but that at the end of a life we all return to the same spirit.

But, -- some of them may be more surprised than others as to where they end up.

And being you have mentioned the Muslims and we see so much controversy about what they believe, personally, I wonder, are they seeking truth?  (as a group not referring to possibly individuals in the group) Because a lot of paths found under what many think of as religions, or belief systems, are not headed to the light of truth (or living in the light of truth) but instead exist in the darkness of deception. 




Safari Woman said...

I studied religions and related subjects for over a decade. I talked to a lot of people during that time too. I was on my own exploration quest. And while I understand what you are saying to mean - that truth is living and regardless of the path they grew up in or started out on, people who seek it are still all a part of the living truth and only their perspectives from where they are on which path will be different but that at the end of a life we all return to the same spirit.

But, -- some of them may be more surprised than others as to where they end up.

And being you have mentioned the Muslims and we see so much controversy about what they believe, personally, I wonder, are they seeking truth?  (as a group not referring to possibly individuals in the group) Because a lot of paths found under what many think of as religions, or belief systems, are not headed to the light of truth (or living in the light of truth) but instead exist in the darkness of deception. 



Group efforts to find peace always fall prey to shysters that are driven by worldly desires. Some more extreme than others. Some represent an evolving mentality that eventually discovers the path to peace requires an individual effort of looking within while others (Muslim) are evolving back into the dark ages of ignorance and repression and are very dangerous...later  

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