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I can describe a meditation for you to use if you want to see what a still or thoughtless mind looks like, but I warn you it is extremely difficult and it requires a lot of effort. You will only be able to still your thoughts for short periods of time, but it trains you how to still your mind at will.

I would love to hear/learn of this meditation Jerry, can't hurt to try and I love a good challenge Smile  when my thoughts begin to spin out of control I have learned it is best to just try to let them spin themselves out and try not to react to any of them until I am able to see them through a clearer/non-spinning mind(sometimes that can take a while Wink )...surfing, biking, long walk on the beach, all very helpful to me for getting the spin out....and usually by then most of the absurb, irrational ones have faded or just plain disappeared, I have actually found myself laughing at some of the crazy shizz that can happen in my head while it's doing the spin cycle, not reallly funny when it is in there but after it's gone I have asked "how in the world did THAT get in there and WHERE did THAT come from?", then I seriously try to answer those 2 questions in hopes that I could possibly stop it before it even try to start next time...getting to truly know ones self sure is a continuous work in progress and I am thankful to be alive to get that chance and thankful to be healthy enough to be able to partake in the activities that help me relieve stress and frustrations mentally and physically.


Peace, Love & Aloha Surfing
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