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Kahaluu Girl said...


I would love to hear/learn of this meditation Jerry, can't hurt to try and I love a good challenge Smile  when my thoughts begin to spin out of control I have learned it is best to just try to let them spin themselves out and try not to react to any of them until I am able to see them through a clearer/non-spinning mind(sometimes that can take a while Wink )...surfing, biking, long walk on the beach, all very helpful to me for getting the spin out....and usually by then most of the absurb, irrational ones have faded or just plain disappeared, I have actually found myself laughing at some of the crazy shizz that can happen in my head while it's doing the spin cycle, not reallly funny when it is in there but after it's gone I have asked "how in the world did THAT get in there and WHERE did THAT come from?", then I seriously try to answer those 2 questions in hopes that I could possibly stop it before it even try to start next time...getting to truly know ones self sure is a continuous work in progress and I am thankful to be alive to get that chance and thankful to be healthy enough to be able to partake in the activities that help me relieve stress and frustrations mentally and physically.


A perfectly balanced mind is a still mind. The way to get to a perfectly balanced mind is the middle way. Judgement polarizes the mind and makes balance impossible. This is the reason in meditation of any kind, you have to suspend judgement. Buddha, Krishnamurti, Zen, and many other practices uses long term meditation rituals & talks to slowly bring the mind into balance, while  accumulating the wisdom necessary (understanding) to maintain this balance.

A still mind is our communion with our creator, since ALL THINGS arise from and return to the stillness. The stillness is the only thing in our constantly changing dualistic existence that does not change and our point of reference for a deeper understanding of our true nature.

Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tzu, are the best examples of individuals that had extensive communion with our creator, but a study of history reveals that there have been many others. We do not know them since, this communion results in the discovery of an illusion of self. Once this discovery is made and understood, then there is no reason for the glorification of this idea.

All thoughts arise divided and out of balance. They are comprised of relative distances between two opposites and is the only way a though can exist in our dualistic minds. If there are no thoughts, then the mind is completely balanced and communion is complete. We can struggle with equal amounts of love and hate to bring balance or we can distract the mind in such a fashion to force it into a no though what-so-ever situation.

Find a comfortable chair in a quite setting and find a dot or nail head or some other small distinguishable feature easy to look at and make it the absolute focus of your attention. As you do this your mind will wander. When it does bring it immediately back to the dot on the wall. Do this for 20-minutes two times a day. As you are doing this you will notice an energy build up that will make you want tt "climb the walls" as some have described it to me. This is natural, since as you move your mind from unbalanced to balanced there is an energy release resulting from this movement. It will get extremely difficult to hold your attention at first, but you will notice your mind quieting as you  get close to the end of the secession. When your mind has stilled, get to know it so you can eventually find this state  anytime you choose, you can talk to me about your experience either here or in private if you feel it would help you with this practice....later

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