If you have died to one of your pleasures, the smallest or the greatest, naturally, without any enforcement or argument, then you will know what it means to die. To die is to have a mind that is completely empty of itself, empty of its daily longing, pleasure; and agonies.


If you have died to one of your pleasures, the smallest or the greatest, naturally, without any enforcement or argument, then you will know what it means to die. To die is to have a mind that is completely empty of itself, empty of its daily longing, pleasure; and agonies.


I kinda don't get this one... I have felt like that dead to longing, pleasure and agony but I thought it was depression.


Safari Woman said...



I kinda don't get this one... I have felt like that dead to longing, pleasure and agony but I thought it was depression.

JK is famous for telling us what to do and not giving methods to accomplish. I take on projects to fend of depression especially when projects help me deal with the downfall of our country. Survival is the driving force that takes me into mindful projects I use to  empty my mind of of it daily longing. Right now I am working on wood fired bread and pizza ovens. We are putting a commercial one in the restaurant we are building and I am building a personal one for the home. As it turns out these ovens are far superior in their ability to cook bread and pizza and are an ancient art  I have thought about doing a page here on the ovens, but are now severely limited on the time I have to spend on it. They are efficient, cheap to operate and  a key survival tool for the collapse of the dollar we will see in our lifetime. Attached is  examples


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