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Wikileaks Podesta Mails To Facebooks Sheryl Sandberg  about making Hillary president
Peter Schmitt follows me
Zuckerberg The question is what do people want to tell us about themselves
Moron reacting to imply I am a robot LMAO
Social Media News Facebook Leads the pack You Tube 2nd Twitter 3rd PEW Research
Apparently the Leading Cause of Hard Drive Failure is Subpoenas
How Email Really Works
Digital Assets
windows 10 they finally fixed everything
twitter suspension
Huffington Post promotes an app that splts the bill so white men pay more
All in the network internet family SPYING ON YOU MANIPULATING YOU
Roseanne Barr Followed Me on Twitter
Please Do Not Feed the Trolls
The difference between Obama and Trump using data mining Branco Cartoon LegalInsurrectionDOTcom
Equador confirms cutting off Assange internet
The Tweet that got James Woods banned from Twitter for possible election interference
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