Troll Farmer
Please Do Not Feed the Trolls
Twitter Censorship
What people do on their handhelds while they watch TV chart
Google = Goolag search for diversity of thought somewhere else
Goodbye Twitter Good Riddance
Discriminatory practices by big tech against Donald Trump while actual Terrorists are allowed to operate profiles
Protect the Internet 23034 Freedom Act Oct 1st 2016
How do you spell Collusion - GOOGLE
On facebook you are free to say what ever Jeff Zuckerberg wants you to say
Huffington Post promotes an app that splts the bill so white men pay more
How TPP affects Internet Intellectual Property
NSA is Spying on YOU on These Sites
Lets not forget our facebook friends and family in facebook jail during the holidays
You can trust government SEE Vault 7 Wikileaks
high tech news logo
Roseanne Barr Followed Me on Twitter
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