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The FBI has now made public their “Communities Against Terrorism” Suspicious Activity Reporting flyers. 

Listed in the article attached below are all 25 known flyers that should be read in their entirety if one wishes to discover just how far the United States has traveled in its attempt to replicate a level of citizen snitches not seen since the Stasi of East Germany.

It also includes a very short summary of each .PDF, with an embedded link in the title,  to serve as a general guide of who is a potential terrorist suspect.

For Example:

  1. Construction Sites – People with environmental slogans and/or anti-government slogans, banners or signs that threaten or imply violence.
  2. Dive/Boat Shops – New customers reluctant to provide complete personal information, customer who does not have certification, using cash for expensive transactions, extended rentals, appearing uninterested in safety rules, experiencing guarded behavior.
  3. Electronics Stores – Person who alters appearance from visit to visit (changing hair color, shaving, etc.), fills a “shopping list” of components while lacking knowledge about their use. Pays cash for large purchases.
Carl Spencer
Just being a conservative puts you right smack dab at the top of the list.
  • May 28, 2013
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