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Willis Pebble

COMMON CORE NOT A STANDARD, COMMON CORE IS A DATA COLLECTION DEVICE Common Core is not a testing standard nor is it a curriculum. Common core is a data point collection system to be used to design a hyper-efficient human capi...
Willis Pebble

Make you Voice heard about Common Core In Florida at Florida Standards Review The hearings in Florida to get public input on the Florida Education Standards and particularly common core are over. Only time will tell is the h...
Willis Pebble

Last day to send email to Governor Scott and the Florida Dept of Education. below is a bunch of talking points to use with their source. Send to send to Governor Scott and the Florida Board of Educatio...
Willis Pebble

Guides to Common Core plus a confession from Jeb Bush It has come to my  attention that many do not understand who we were forced into common core , As a primmer I present you with a few recently posts that attempt to explain...
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