Topic: spying

Safari Woman

When people were talking about impeachment for Benghazi and mentioning this horrific tragedy in the same breath as Watergate, I couldn't relate wiretapping to terrorism, and felt the reference for impeachment was distorted. B...
Safari Woman

A little bit??? I'd call that the understatement of the century. Excerpts: On Hugh Hewitt’s radio show earlier this week, outgoing Columbia Journalism School Dean Nick Lemann reacted to the Obama administration’s tactics in i...
Safari Woman

Thousands of Americans became targets for government spying through “backdoor” warrantless electronic surveillance by the National Security Agency and other intelligence agencies last year according to a letter from the Offic...
Safari Woman

I'm so glad that light is shining on this topic. Let it destroy every liar's hiding place. Excerpts: Director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper wasn’t lying when he wrongly told Congress in 2013 that the government does n...
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