Topic: guns

Irony Parkland Shooting
Liberalism is all about control
They got obama guns you got a phone
The Safe Family Gun Guide
Journalists Guide to Firearms Identification
How to Create a Social State by Saul Alinsky
Mass Shootings Chart  from Reagan to Obama - Any Questions
Government killed over 250 million people in the last century
If you voted for Obama we do not want your business gun show sign
Legal gun owners have over 200 Million Guns and 12 trillion rounds of ammo
What to do when the test doesnt offer the correct answer
When People cry genuine tears they wipe both eyes but not Obama LIAR
People who think you should own guns vs people who think you should not
Report Obama and Holder for Illegal Gun Sales
BOYCOTT Anti Gun Companies
Benjamin Franklin VS Barack Obama on Liberty and Safety
liberal logic -guns
2nd amendment only covers muskets LOL yeah right
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